Michael Imagine (Dirty)

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The air hit me like ice as I waited outside the station for him. My hands tightly clasped the drink in my hand, I absentmindedly sipped it as a train came into view, the corners of my mouth turning up into a smile. My head turned frantically as I searched the limitless amount of people flowing off the train for my boyfriend, the of fluorescent hair came into vision before his eyes met mine. But when his panicked gaze found me I dropped the cup and pushed through the crowds to reach him. He pushed the mounds of people around him out of his way as he rushed over to meet me, we met halfway, his hands catching my thighs as I lept at him.

"I've...missed...you...so...much...princess," he whispered in hot breath as his lips hurriedly connected with mine.

*Later that night*

My back hit my bed with a thud as I heard my mum let Michael in downstairs. I couldn't be arsed to for this party tonight, to be honest my body wanted something different entirely. My door opened and my heart fluttered as I took in the appearance of the beautiful man in front of me. He slumped down on the bed next to me, copying my stance.

"What's up beautiful,"

"I can't really be bothered to go to this party anymore,"

"Me neither, fancy a drunken movie night?"

My head whipped to the side, how did I get so lucky.

About an hour later we had got to Michael's apartment, I had changed into one of his long tops and a mini pair of pyjama shorts as I slumped across Michael's lap in front of his couch. His hand was stroking sweetly at my kneecap, but halfway through the movie I felt it slide up slightly higher as his lips placed a single kiss at my neck. I smirked, grabbing a pillow in my hand "Watch the movie," I giggled, hitting him in the face with my plump friend. His hand fell from my lap, getting a pillow of his own before hitting me with it. In the space of a minute the couch was a mess, pillows were everywhere and I had managed to trap Michael beneath me as I straddled him, I held his hands in mine above his head, smirking down at him. "I win," I giggled. Muchael was a lot stronger than me, I knew he was letting me win, so I shouldn't have been surprised when he winked and thrusted his hips upwards into mine, I let out a moan as I felt his hardness create friction against my core. He took my momentarily lapse in concentration to bring my lips to his, they connected sweetly, his warm lips moving against mine in a regulated pace, but before long his lips smashed against mine, his tongue sweeping against my upper lip, I opened my mouth allowing his tongue to meet mine. I moaned as he bit down on my lip, causing me to roll my hips against his. I swallowed his low groan in my mouth as I felt him harden under me.

"I need you," he almost growled as my nails raked onto his chest through his t shirt.

He hissed as I continued my actions, "Take me to your bed," I whispered, my forehead against his. He grinned as he held my thighs, carrying me towards his room. His foot kicked his bedroom door closed as he placed my feet onto the soft carpet of his bedroom floor. He smiled down at me as our height difference became slightly more evident, "I'm so in love with you," he breathed, his fingers pushing my hair back behind my ear. My heart felt fit to burst, this moment was entirely perfect, one I wish I could have lived in forever as I felt totally and irrevocably loved and in love with the grinning boy in front of me. "You'll have to believe me when I say I'm more in love with you," I decreased the distance between as I ran my hands up Michael's shirt, feeling the heat radiating from his chest warm my finger tips. "Impossible." He grinned, his hands slowly removed mine from his frame as he leaned down to meet me, his lips brushed mine as his digits rubbed circles into my hips. The of his hands made me unable to move my arms to touch him. My thoughts were interrupted when his lips detached from mine, "Up." I understood what he was instructing and lifted my arms, his baggy t shirt removed from my petite frame. His fingers traced down my back until they found my bra, he unclipped the back and pulled the straps down my arms. As I heard it hit the floor his lips detached from mine, his eyes met mine briefly before they dropped down to my bare chest, just as they stopped my hands flew up to hide them, my cheeks burning. His awe stricken face dropped into a frown at my actions, his eyes moving back up to meet my own. "Baby, don't hide from me, you have no reason to feel shy or uncomfortable, you are absolutely breath taking," as if to prove his point he pressed his hardness against my stomach, "Look what you do to me, you get me so hard," he groaned as his fingers pulled my hands away from my chest. I gasped slightly as his fingertips brushed my nipple slightly, a smirk left his lips as he realised the contact he had unintentionally made. My thighs pressed together and I felt the unmistakeable wetness between my legs. I pushed the desperate thoughts out of my head as I stayed determined to regain some type of dominance in this situation.

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