Commitment Issues 2

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Luke: He hadn't called or talked to you for about three days now, and in every which way it was killing you. You missed having someone to go out with every night and you missed having a place to crash once you got so drunk; you especially missed the times the two of you would randomly hook up because of how close your friendship was, but you had to be an idiot and let your own issues get in the way of that. How could you have been so selfish? All Luke wanted was one chance with you and you couldn't even give him that! What's worse is the fact that he wouldn't even let you explain yourself, so he thinks of you as nothing more than a heartless bitch who just wanted to humiliate him, but that was so far from the truth. You were tempted to pick up your phone and call him to make things better between the two of you; maybe if you just talked to him he would forgive you, but you knew Luke better than anyone since you'd spent almost every waking moment together, and you knew that he was too hurt to even look at his phone if he knew it was you calling. "What do I do?" You think aloud to yourself, trying your hardest to conjure up an idea as to how to get Luke talking to you again. Maybe if you went over to his apartment and talked to him face to face he would listen! You grinned to yourself as you got up and grabbed your keys off of the counter, dashing down to your car and driving quickly over to Luke's apartment. His truck was in the parking lot so you knew he was home, but you were nervous as to if he'd even let you enter his home. You bit your lip and parked the car, walking slowly up the steps to his door, knocking softly. Reality was settling in and you suddenly felt sick again, not that it was anything unusual. Why were you doing this? You were going to forve yourself into a relationship with someone for what? As soon as the door swung open, your heart leaped into your throat and you froze like a deer caught in headlights. "(Y/N)? What're you doing here?" Luke asks in a shocked tone, leaning against the doorframe with his arms across his chest. You swallow the lump in your throat and shrug your shoulders, calming yourself down. "I need to talk to you about something, Luke. Can I come in?" You ask, and he nods as he moves to the side and leads you into the living room. The two of you sit on the couch; it's hard for you to take good breaths and you're not so sure it was a good idea to come over here in the first place, but you were here, so you were going to have to just get it over with. "You didn't let me explain myself the other day, and I needed to tell you why I said I couldn't be with you." You say slowly, causing Luke to let out a sarcastic laugh. "I get it that you don't have feelings for me, (Y/N). Jesus, what else could you possibly find wrong with me that you have to come point it out?" He snaps, but you shake your head and stare down at your hands that were now folded in your lap. "It's not that I don't like you, Luke. I do, I like you a lot; I just have commitment issues and I don't like being in a relationship. It bothers me a lot." You explain slowly, and his jaw unclenches and his eyes soften. "Why didn't you tell me that when we were just hanging out, then?" He asks, and you shake your head and shrug your shoulders. "I didn't think it would get to this point." You answer back honestly. It was true, you didn't find your relationship with Luke going any further than drunk hangouts and casual hook ups every now and then, but here it was; you at his house apologizing for humiliating him. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I didn't know-" You hold your hand up to silence him. "Don't apologize. Now you know, so we can go back to normal, right?" You ask and Luke answers you with a smile.

Ashton: "Are you ready?" Your date for the night, Dylan asks you with a bright smile as you meet him at the bottom of your stairs. You nod and link your arm with his, grinning ear to ear as the two of you make your way outside to his car. Since that night at the venue when Ashton broke things off with you completely, you hadn't spoken. You didn't plan to, either. If he was just wanting to hang out with you for sex and casual make outs every now and then, it wasn't worth putting yourself through the emotional attachment. Especially since there were people out there like Dylan, who were ready for relationships and who weren't complete douchebags when you tried to define the relationship. Since this was your third date with Dylan, it was time to sit and define your relationship and since he was taking you to a drive-in, you were nervous as to if he was going to or if you were going to have to make yourself look like a fool again. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad, though. Maybe he'd gently let you down and act normal, instead of telling you that you were nothing and storming off as Ashton had when you tried to define your relationship with him; but tonight was going to be different, you could feel it in the pit of your stomach and you were nervous yet excited to see how it was going to go. The drive-in was really packed tonight, and you wondered why so many people decided to come tonight of all nights; then you remembered that they were showing a new MARVEL movie and people were really getting into that lately. You chuckled to yourself as Dylan let down the tailgate of his truck and placed a blanket in the back for the two of you to lye on to enjoy the movie. "Want anything to drink?" You ask him, and he nods and goes to his pocket to get his wallet out. "Yeah, can you go get me a water?" He asks, and you nod politely and skip off to the concession stand in the middle of the area. There wasn't too big of a line, you were the fourth person to wait; so it wasn't something to get on your nerves too bad... until Ashton ended up standing right behind you in line. "(Y/N)?" He called your name as soon as he stepped up to the line, a huge smile written across his face. You were going to ignore him at first, seeing as in how he'd done such a good job at ignoring you for the past two weeks; but he stood firm and called your name yet again. "(Y/N), don't ignore me." He sighed, and that's when you turned and rolled your eyes at him. "Why shouldn't I? You've done a good job at it." You spit back at him, making Ashton bite his lip and shake his head. He knew he was in the wrong, especially talking to you now after ignoring you for weeks at a time; but he had to talk to you to clear things up. He hadn't planned on meeting you here, that was a complete accident, but now that he had you he couldn't let you leave until things were better between the two of you. "Next!" The concession stand worker calls out, and the line moves up leaving you as the third person in line and Ashton as the fourth. "Who are you here with, anyways?" He asks. You smirk and shrug your shoulders. "A friend I've been hanging out with lately. How about you?" You retort, a sudden pang of jealousy hitting you at the thought of Ashton being with another girl here. "My little brother and my little sister wanted to come see the movie, so I brought them." He speaks, and you turn your head to where he pointed and see that he was telling the truth. "I wanted to apologize the right way, though. I mean, I was a dick when I said that to you; and I was even worse for ignoring you. (Y/N), you know I've got commitment issues..." He sighs slowly and closes his eyes, "What we had was the best it gets for me, though. If I can't hang out with you the way we were and be happy, then I can't have anything with you. Get it?" Ashton asks, smiling softly. You nod your head slowly and move up again in line, getting ready to pay for your drinks you were going to order. You send a fake smile towards Ashton and nod your head as you try to fight the tears. "Right. That's why we don't have anything anymore." You speak, and turn yourself towards the concession stand so you don't have to talk to him through the tears that were getting too hard to fight back.

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