After Sex Cuddling (T)

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You were currently laying on Luke’s bare chest, breathing quite heavily after round 3 of sex. His fingertips were fluttering down your spine to the curve of your bottom, where he would tap his fingers lightly and then skim his fingers back up again, repeating the process over and over again. “How was that?” He whispered into your hair, his warm breath blowing against the skin of your bare shoulder. You giggled and tilted your head to kiss his chest, “Amazing. As always.” Bringing his other hand up he brushed the hair out your eyes, briefly pausing the movement of his fingers on your back, “Good. I like making you happy.” Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to your forehead causing your eyes to flutter shut. “You always make me happy, even when you don’t try.” He sighed, resuming the movement of his fingers, “I love you, (Y/N). I love every single thing about you.” Looking up at him and resting your chin on his chest you smile, “I love you, too, Luke.” Laying your head back down again, you slowly drift off to sleep, enjoying the light tickle of Luke’s slow breathing against your shoulder and the soft brush of his fingers on your back.


You and Ashton had just finished an intense round of make-up sex after having a mini fight about something ridiculous. His head was resting on your chest, listening to the rapid beat of your heart. His arms were wound around you tightly, constricting your breathing a bit, but you were comfortable nonetheless. His legs were wrapped through yours, essentially trapping you against him and the bed. Kissing your boob lightly, Ashton whispered out a small, “Are we okay?” Peeking down at him, you saw his big hazel puppy dog eyes looking up at you with worry. Running your fingers through his matted down, sweaty curls, you smiled. “Of course. We’ll always be okay.” He nodded, resulting in his hair brushing provocatively against your still sensitive chest. You tried to stifle a moan, but a whimper still managed to escape your lips. Smirking up at you, Ash tilted his head to the side. “Round 2, (Y/N)?” Biting your lip you nodded, “Hell yes.” Flipping on top of you, he pins your hands on either side of your head. “Good, because I wasn’t done with you yet.”


Your eyes had just fluttered open only to be met with bright sunlight. Wincing, you quickly close your eyes, opening them slowly this time to give yourself time to adjust to the sun. When you reach up to stretch, only then do you realize that your warm-too warm- and that there’s arm draped across your waist. Smiling, you remember the wild night you had with Calum. You guys had decided to try a few different positions last night, and you were deliciously sore. Snuggling closer to him, you let out a content sigh. The slight movement must has woken Calum because suddenly there were kisses being planted along the column of your neck. Nipping at your skin, he whispered, “are you up for a few more rounds?” Laughing, you turn in his arms to look at him. “You’re not satisfied yet?” Smirking he winks at you, “I’ll never get enough of you, baby. Never.” Covering your face you mutter, “Calum, you’re an idiot. But, thank you.” He leans down and kisses your forehead, then your eyelids, both your cheeks, and finally your lips. “You’re welcome.” Reaching out, you start to lightly trace his tattoo, then down across his pecks and around the lines of his abs. With a husky voice he says, “(Y/N), if you don’t stop doing that now, I will have no control over what happens next. Looking right into his eyes, you drag your finger further down and then lightly skim your fingernail along his happy trail before he catches your finger at brings it to his lips. Flipping over so that he hovers over you, he leans down and says, “I warned you. Now you’re in for it.” And then he’s kissing you fiercely and the next round is set in motion.


In all the time you had been dating Michael, you had never really gotten to see him peacefully sleeping, chest slowly rising and falling as dreams moved behind his eyelids. You had especially never gotten to see him post-sex when his hair had that just-fucked look and there where little love bites littered across his next and collar bone. Smiling, you lightly brush your fingers over your handiwork. Sex with Michael was always interesting and always satisfying, and neither one of you ever came out without a few marks. You knew that if you were to look in a mirror right now, there’d be several hickeys covering your neck. Michael was always one for staking his claim. You also knew that there would be eight identical scratch marks running across Michael’s upper back from when you needed something to grip last night. Michael stirred a bit in his sleep and reached across, pulling you into him, sighing in content when your bare skin came in contact with his. He nuzzled his head into your hair and fell right back into a deep sleep. Skimming your fingers up and down his arm, you enjoy the warmth that is Michael, and the rare occurrence of getting to see him completely relaxed. Kissing his shoulder, you snuggle closer to his and try and go back to sleep, allowing yourself dreams of the perfect human being laying asleep beside you.

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