You File For Divorce

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Luke: Your heart was beating hard in your chest as you signed your names across the papers, your hand tightening around the pen harder and harder with each letter you wrote across the lines. This wasn't how you wanted your marriage with Luke to turn out, this wasn't what you'd planned to happen after just six months of being together; maybe marrying at such a young age under the circumstances of finding out that you were pregnant wasn't your best idea ever, and ever since Luke had started distancing himself from you and acting as if he were still yet single just proved that you were correct. The last time you scribbled your name down, a tear fell from your eye and tainted the paper below, a sniffle coming out of you as you looked up at the woman in front of you with her arms folded tightly across her chest. She smiled sympathetically at you. "It'll be okay, Mrs. Hemmings," she said your former name, and it sounded so right to you; but it felt so wrong with everything that was going on inside your marriage. Your lip trembled and you shook your head, wrapping your arms around your own body as you let the tears fall. "He doesn't even know yet," you cry out to her, and even she can't help but gasp.

Ashton: "What're these?" Ashton giggles as he walks into the apartment, slinging his gym bags on the floor beneath him as he eyes the huge stacks of paper sitting on the kitchen counter. You say nothing, keeping your eyes on the burgundy carpet of your living room as you waited for his reaction once he saw the papers. Seconds later, Ashton's large hands came in contact with the wall, a loud bang coming through the small rooms that caused you to jump and bite your lip. He enters the living room with the papers in one hand, his other a bright red from the contact with the wall. "What the hell is this, (Y/N)?" he asks, his anger evident. You shrug your shoulders and pick at your nails, acting as if you weren't scared or upset like you truly were. "I want a divorce, Asthon." you say simply, and he laughs sarcastically while throwing his arms up in the air. He couldn't believe you thought he was so naive as to not be able to figure out what you were trying to say. He threw the papers on the floor and watched as they scattered apart, his anger too high for him to care that he would have to be the one to pick them up and put them back together the right way. "Why would you want to leave me? Have I been that much of a shitty husband? I know I haven't been home much and sometimes I'm not the most affectionate, but..." Ashton sighs and runs a hand through his hair, his eyes glistening with tears. You knew that you were on the verge of crying yourself, but you definitely couldn't let Ashton see you cry. You had to stay strong, so the only words you could offer him were: "We're just not in love the same way that we used to be, and even you know that."

Calum: He'd cheated about the second year you were together, but you hadn't found out about it until your third anniversary two months ago. How it took you this long to decide that you were strong enough to get a divorce was out of your mind, but you were pretty sure it was the right thing to do. Calum hadn't even tried to stop you once he found out that's what you wanted to do, so you weren't that depressed when it came to hurting his feelings. It was killing you that it had come to this in something you'd only wanted to go perfect having to end so badly. Were you a bad person? Had you done something so wrong that it would make someone want to take your bit of happiness away from you? You wiped away a quick tear as you finally mustered up the nerve to get out of your car, slamming the door shut do to your nerves high on the edge. He could've apologized a million times and he could've tried to stop you, but the worst part about getting here to sign for divorce was the fact that Calum hadn't even tried to save this marriage; he just let you walk out the front door, fully aware of what you were doing. You scoffed and smiled sarcastically to yourself. "Maybe I was a piss poor wife, after all," you mumble to yourself as you walk into the building, not yet ready yourself to actually go through with this. You were here though, and it was time to own up to the idea.

Michael: "Sign your name here, here, and here." the lawyer in front of the two of you rests his thumbs across each line you had to sign, his eyes narrowed and his jaw flexed as you took your sweet time to pick up the pen. Michael chuckled lightly as you finally picked it up and clicked it, pressing it down to the white material lying on the desk. Your heart was racing and your breath was catching in your throat each time you pressed the tip of the pen to the paper, but your mind was still trying to wrap around everything going on that you found it hard to muster the letters together in order to form your name. You were hurting, there was no need for you to put yourself through this type of torture and especially in front of the one you were torturing yourself for. "(Y/N), we kind of have to get through this. Today, sweetheart," Michael's calm voice pushed your heart to the main bottom of your stomach and you were too disturbed to even hold the pen anymore. You dropped it onto the desk and rested your head in your hands and cried into them. Michael pouted lightly and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, looking up at the lawyer in front of you. "I'm sorry," he whispers, but the lawyer shakes his head and shrugs. "This happens the majority of the time when we have newlywed couples filing for divorce," he explains, and your heart breaks even more as you sob into your hands. "This isn't what was supposed to happen!" you yell out, and Michael bites his lip and nods his head. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm so sorry." he whispers.

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