Your Child gets Bullied (T)

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Ashton: "So what (Y/N)? He got punched in the face, what’s wrong with telling him to punch back?" Your husband retorts, chugging down his drink. You scoff, "Ashton…you’re telling our child to be a bully back to a bully. Do you know what that makes him?" Ashton nods, "A fighter. One who doesn’t let bullies get away with that kind of shit. It makes me sick. I’m not letting my son be a victim to bullying." 

You can see the hurt in Ashton’s eyes. You know it’s a sensitive topic because when he was younger he was the “runt” of the school. Other boys would corner him during recess but you were always there to step between them and stand up for him. You two became best friends, and it eventually led to dating, which become where you stand today.

"Ashton, sweetheart, you know this isn’t right. Lucas is our baby, and whether you like it or not he’s growing up in a cruel world. You have to do the right thing, and sometimes doing the right thing doesn’t feel so good at first." Your husband rests his head against your shoulder in exhaustion, and you feel his tears melt into your skin.

Memories are flashing before your eyes of Ashton being backed up against the playground fence by a bunch of boys; the lump in his throat growing bigger by the second in nervousness. Sometimes it would get as bad as people throwing garbage at him during lunch. But regardless of the torment, you’d be sitting by his side, defending every nasty remark thrown his way. 

"I’ll talk to the teacher tomorrow, (Y/N). I’m sorry I told him the wrong thing-." You cut him off, placing a peck on his lips, "I understand honey. I’ll be down here waiting for you two boys. Dinner will be ready in five minutes." 

Out of curiosity, you follow Ashton to Lucas’ room. You peek through the slit in the door, and see Ashton on one knee in front of your bruised son. “That’s why you can’t hit him back little man. I’m sorry I gave you the wrong idea earlier. D-Daddy was hit when he was your age, but he had your mommy to protect him when she could. But things will get better, I promise.”

"How do you know?" Lucas asks, pouting. 

Your husband smiles, “I ended up with your mother, didn’t I?” 

When Lucas doesn’t get the joke, you grin, watching Ash continue, “Be strong now, because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can’t rain forever buddy. I love you, you’re my tough guy.”

CALUM: Your heart sinks as you watch your daughter clinging to her father in tears as she walks in the door. Another “incident” as school, you assume. There’s a group of girls that have been picking on your daughter for the past three months but the school hasn’t done anything about it. No matter how many meetings you go to or calls you make, your daughters sobs only get heavier and heavier as the days go on. 

"We’ve got to do something about this." Calum spits angrily, and you wonder what these evil kids have done to your daughter next. 

"T-They cut my hair mommy." Chloe whimpers, and she turns around to show you. 

You gasp, taking her into your arms. Her tears are leaving scars on your heart. Calum is shaking his head, his hands balled in fists. 

"Calum, cal-." He yells, interrupting you, making your daughter shake harder in your arms, "DON’T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN, (Y/N)! THERE ISN’T A DAY THAT GOES BY WHERE I PICK HER UP AND SHE ISN’T IN TEARS!" 

"Baby girl it’s okay." You whisper against Chloe’s ear, as Calum gets down on his knees beside the two of you, "I’m sorry sweetheart, I just hate seeing you like this." Calum takes her into her arms, and asks, "How does going to a new school sound?" 

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