Big Arguments (T)

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Calum: After a long day of work, you come home to you house a mess. The boys had been over and well they decided to have a food fight. You stare at the horror that laid in front of you, “What the fuck?” You scream. Calum came running into the room, “Oh fuck.” You stare at your fiancee. “Calum, what the hell happened?” You spoke as calmly as you could, even though you were practically screaming at him. “We had a food fight.” “who??” “The boys and I.” you stared at him, “And you never bothered cleaning it up?” Calum looked at the ground, “Well I meant to but I got distracted. “Calum, you can’t just leave a mess like this, like a mess.” you head turned to see your new couch covered in mustard. “CALUM!” you screeched, “THE NEW COUCH, WHAT THE FUCK. this is never going to come out.” he stared in disbelief, “Oh c’mon [y/n], I think you’re overreacting a little bit.” You threw your purse down, “Calum, that couch cost $900, this isn’t even overreacting a little.” He shook his head, “I think you need to ‘calm’ down a little.” That comment pushed you over the edge. “Calm? Calm Calum. My house is wrecked, my furniture, is ruined, why does this always happen to me?” you say in distress, “Does what always happen to you?” “Bad things. Like god, I just got fired from my job, our relationship is rocky and now my house is trashed.” Calum’s face softened as you explained everything, “I’m sorry” you stared at the ground, “Whatever it’s fine.” you walked away pissed as if the entire world hated you. 

Ashton: For a couple of weeks now, Ashton and you have been having relationship issues. Everytime you would talk try to talk to him about the issues he would put it off and leave. One day you were just fed up, at supper you mumble to him, “Ashton” “Yes?” “We need to talk” he stared at you, “Look, can this wait till some other time, I’m tired and I don’t want to talk about this.” you stare at him coldly. “No. We need to talk about this now.” Ashton stared, “Okay, fine. What is it [y/n]?” He says rudely. “What happened to us?” You couldn’t believe, at the beginning of your relationship you two were going steady. No fights, no nothing, now all you do is fight. “Ashton, we aren’t even happy anymore, all we do is fight. We don’t do anything together. I just can’t do this anymore.” Shaking his head, “[y/n], are you breaking up with me?” a shrug is all he got, “I’m not to sure. I mean if we can’t fix what went wrong here, there’s no point in us being together.” 

Luke: "Why won’t you?" "Because I don’t want to!" "Come on[y/n]!" "Luke, I’m tired, No." "Do you not want to have sex with me anymore?" You turn from cooking supper, "I want to, but not right now." "Well why the fuck not? Am I not attractive anymore? Do I not appeal you like I used to? You know, there are plenty of girls out there who are dying to have sex with me." You shake your head, "Fine go fuck them. Cause after that, I’m not anymore." you throw the spoon down on the floor, "Fuck you Luke." You stomp off to your bedroom, finding a bag and throwing clothes into it. "What are you doing?" you hear Luke ask, "leaving for a bit because obviously I’m not satisfying you enough. Why don’t you find someone to who’s going to fuck you, cause I’m out." You stomp out the front door ignore his pleas.

Michael: You stare at the bill you just received from your college, apparently you still owed them $5000. You sigh in anger, “What’s wrong babe?” Michael asks from the couch, “Nothing for you to worry about.” You were an independent women, you didn’t want Michael to keep buying you things, you didn’t want him spending money on you. Michael walks over to the table. “Whats that?” he grabs it from your hands, “What I thought we payed them back?” You shrug your shoulders, “Well here,” he grabs his checkbook, “I’ll help you.” you stare, his help was paying for it all. “No Mike, I can do this myself” “Don’t be ridiculous [y/n], I’m paying for this.” you let out a frustrated sigh, “Can you stop. I don’t need you paying everything for me. I’ve got enough in the bank to pay for it, just let me.” he shook his head, “No way in hell am I letting you do that. Let me pay.” “No Michael, I don’t want you to. You are always paying everything, I feel like a child when you pay for my things.” “well to bad, because I’m paying for it because you’re my girlfriend and I want to.” you sigh, this isn’t the last you’ll be fighting about money. You walk into your bedroom bathroom, locking the door, and begin to sob. 

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