First Ultrasound (T)

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Michael - "I want a girl." He said, crossing his arms as you and Michael were arguing in the car. "I want a boy. Loser buys lunch?" You said, he nodded as you two shook hands. You two pulled up to the office, signing in and soon being called back to begin. "I'm just going to check your development." You squeezed Michael's hand as the doctor pressed on your uterus, you almost screaming. A while later, your baby popped up on the screen. "It's a girl, congratulations!" Michael smiled, kissing your cheek, "I don't care, i'll still buy lunch." He said, as you nodded, your eyes never leaving the screen.

Luke - "Mr and Mrs. Hemmings?" You nervously stood, Luke holding your hand as the doctor led you two to a room. Today was your first five month ultrasound, which meant you and Luke finally got to find out what the sex of your baby was. As the doctor spread the jelly on your stomach, Luke intertwined his hand into yours, kissing it repeatedly. As the monitor came on, you squealed in excitement. "It's a boy!" Luke smiled a tear falling from his eye, "This is beyond amazing." You reached up and wiped a tear from his face as he smiled. The doctor flipped a switch, you two could hear his heartbeat, Luke crying harder.

Ashton - As your doctor was pressing hard on your uterus, you couldn't help but shed a tear at the pain. "It'll all be over in a second." Ashton whispered, kissing your cheek as he finally finished up. "Alright, let's have a look at your baby." You and Ashton smiled at each other, as the monitor switched on, dimming the lights. "There's his head and his feet." "His?" The doctor nodded and Ashton giggled, "We're having a boy." He leaned over and pecked your lips once, "And i'm having him with the best husband ever." He blushed, the doctor developing some pictures for you two to take home.

Calum - "Well Mr and Mrs. Hood, you two are having a so far healthy baby girl. Congrats!" You smiled wide as Calum squeezed your hand, "I'm going to spoil her like crazy." He chuckled, you just smiling. "I bet you will." He put his finger under your eye, wiping a few tears that were falling. "And listen." He flipped a switch, your baby's heartbeat sounding through the room. This made you cry harder, "I can't wait until she get's here." You cried, kissing Calum as the doctor started cleaning you up.

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