You're best friends: He sees you naked and gets turned on

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Calum: It was Calum's birthday so the guys and you kicked him out i the 5sos house for a few hours to set a party. Ashton heard Calum's car come into the drive and everyone hid and the lights were all turned off.
"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled when Calum opened the door. He immediately turned red as Louis and Michael tackled him in a hug.
The house began booming with 'Are You Gonna Stay The Night' by Zedd through the house speakers. People jumped into the pool and the shots of COD could be heard.
You went upstairs to change into your swim suit. Automatically you went into Calum's room since you saw him already in the pool. You took off your shirt then your bra. You wiggled out of your tight skinny jeans and just as you took your panties off, the door opened and Calum stood at the doorway.
"Um..." he stuttered as you screamed.
"Then turn around!" Calum turned as he waited for you to . When you said 'done', he turned back around. You noticed his hands were now over his crotch area. "Oh shit, Calum!" You laughed as you blushed.
"Let's not ever talk about this..." Calum whispered as he passed you to get to his bathroom.
"Okay." You heard Calum repeatedly hiss 'fuck' and 'damn' as he closed the bathroom door. Still blushing, you left and went back down to the party.

Ashton: You had no idea where else to go so you called Ashton.
"Ash, he kicked me out...again..." You cried into your phone. Another drunk fight, another smack and he physically kicked you out into the rain. He threw your purse outside right after.
"Sure, babe." Ashton took all his self control and tried not to beat your boyfriend's ass when he came up to his where you were waiting at the curb. You were soaking wet by now.
"Thanks," you murmured. He nodded and drove away. The other guys weren't home so Ashton let you in Luke's room.
"I'll go get you some clean clothes. Shower is good and Luke has conditioner." He tried to smile to lighten the mood but you just shook your head. He came over to hug you.
"It's okay, baby. He an ass. Please don't let him torture you like this baby." You nodded and Ashton left. You stripped down to nothing and looked for a towel when the door opened. You froze as Ashton entered and stared at you.
"I-uh..." He held up the clothes. He almost left before he turned around and kissed you hard. You were stunned at first but your eyes closed and your hands moved to his had always wanted to touch them. "I'm sorry I shouldn't be taking advantage of you like this but I'm so damned hard," he said in one breath. You laughed and looked down. "Want to take a shower with me?"

Michael: You never got drunk. You've had one beer your entire life up to now. But now, you had consumed three beers and some cherry vodka stuff in a cup.
"You having fun?" Your best friend asked as she helped you stand. "YEssahhh...shit man...that's the sun...inside the house." You said as you pointed to a lamp. Your frown laughed and tried to take off your stilettos. "Hey, I see she's smashed." Michael laughed as he took over and picked you up bridal style.
"Michael, damn your eyes are pretty," you slurred.
"Thanks cutie. Your eyes are shiny."
"Really? Why...they're so dark."
"They're beautiful." And you laid your head on his . Michael laid you in a bed and tucked you in.
"Stay with me Michael." You begged.
"What if someone walks in when you're not here?"
"They won't."
"Just until I fall asleep...pwease?" In reality, you were not tired at all. You were horny and ready for Michael. He climbed into bed with you and wrapped his arm around you. You asked him to get another pillow. "Okay." He got out of bed. While he was gone, you quickly got of your shoes, dress, and panties.
"Here...shit!" Michael said as he reentered. You smiled and moved towards the end of the bed, feet hung off the side. Michael's hand went to his crotch and tried to relieve the discomfort he felt. "I-uh...maybe I should go."
"C'mon Michael. We're friends and adults. Technically...c'mon." You were still quite drunk and Michael knew it. He tried to persuade you to rethink this but you trailed over to him and touched his hard on.
"C'mon Mikey..." And you smiled as he lips found your neck. After 7 years of friendship, you finally had him to yourself.

Luke: Another sleep over at the 5sos house accomplished, you mused as you walked into the living room. wrappers and bags and empty drink bottles.
"Truth or dare was fun," you heard behind you. Ashton walked in and accessed the damage.
"Yeah you and Calum looked real cute in my thongs."
"Yeah. We have the asses for it." You shared a laugh then walked upstairs to Luke's room where you had slept last night. He was still asleep so you stripped and went into the bathroom for a shower. You were singing Bruised and Scarred by Mayday Parade when you heard moaning.
"Dammit Y/N!" You heard and your eyes widened. Really? Luke, wanking to you? You turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around you. You opened the door and saw Luke with his hand wrapped around his dick. "Shit Y/N! I thought you were taking a shower!"
"I was until I heard my friend shouting my name sexually." Luke blushed. "Sorry?" He said. You laughed and went over to him. He leaned his face up and kissed you, you kissing him back.
"This is weird. It's really fucking weird.." Luke said.
"I know." You shrugged, climbing on top of him. "But I like it."

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