You want to be the big spoon

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Ashton : 

“That’s ridiculous” Ashton giggled as I placed an arm around his torso and brought my chest to his back. I smiled into his skin and tried to fit my legs against his as I heard a big sigh leave his mouth.

“There’s no way I’m sleeping like that” he added as I closed my eyes and squeezed his body onto mine.

“What am I supposed to hold onto now? What do I do with my arms?” he asked, seeming completely lost at the unusual situation. I had just asked him if we could try and switch positions so that I was now the big spoon and he was the little one. I thought he’d be nice to have him in my arms for once, but truth was I was way too small and it was a little uncomfortable. Besides, I missed the feeling of safety I had every time he circled me with his longs arms; but I didn’t really want to admit it, as it did take me a long time to convince him to try this.

“I don’t know, just put your hands under your pillow, just like I do everyday” I answered and he let out a little laugh before turning around and putting his hands on my waist. He easily flipped me over so that I was facing the wall and my back was to his chest, just like it usually was.

“No way, you and I both know we won’t sleep unless I have you securely lying in of my arms. Now no more trying new things, I just wanna sleep and cuddle my girlfriend just like we always do” he said before kissing my cheek and resting his head right next to mine, his nose in my hair. I didn’t protest as I realized I actually enjoyed being the little spoon much more than being the big one.

Calum : 

“What are you doing?” Calum asked as I’d just pushed him to his side and pressed my front to his back.

“I wanna try being the big spoon for once” I announced and he stilled completely before turning around so that we were face to face.

“No, no, no; you’re way too small compared to me and come on, are you trying to emasculate me? I’m supposed to be the big spoon, it’s in the meaning of the word itself” he protested before turning me around so that I was now the little spoon.

“No Calum, come on just tonight and then we can switch back to our usual positions.” I pleaded and gave him the kind of look that could get him to accept anything. He let out a big sigh before turning back around and I happily tried to wrap my arm around him only to realize that I was, indeed, to small and it was almost painful; my hand was resting in the middle of his torso and it was really awkward too. I bit down on my bottom lip before bursting into laughter.

“Okay, alright, it’s really uncomfortable” I admitted and he immediately turned and flashed me a smile before kissing the tip of my nose. I then turned around and welcomed the familiar feeling of his long arm wrapping around me as he brought me to him, our body two puzzle pieces as he tangled his legs with mine.

“That’s how it’s supposed to be” he murmured before placing his warm and large hand on the skin of my stomach.

Luke : 

“It’s kind of nice, are you comfortable?” Luke asked as my arm was wrapped around his naked torso.

“Yeah” I simply answered as I felt the tip of my fingers starting to get numb. It was my idea in the first place, I wanted to try and be the big spoon for once as Luke usually seemed to like it so much; I hadn’t thought about the technical part, which was that I was obviously much smaller than Luke and that it wasn’t a natural position for my body.

I felt him shift as he grabbed my hand and I let out a little whimper as a stinging sensation started to spread in my whole arm.

“No you’re not!” he immediately said before forcing my arm off of him and turning around.

“I just… You’re too big, Luke!” I complained and he started laughing before cupping my face and pressing his lips to mine.

“Oh well, I’m excuse me, Tiny!” he chuckled as I turned around and he instinctively put his arm around me and pulled me to his chest.

“We fit perfectly this way, anyway; we don’t need to try anything else” he added before wishing me goodnight and kissing my temple.

Michael : 

“I know you’re pouting” I said as Michael’s back was pressed against my front.

“M’not” he answered and I rolled my eyes before shifting a little, trying to get comfortable as my hand travelled to his lower stomach, where it seemed to be a bit better for my small arm.

“Oh yeah, well go ahead put your hand right there, but be ready because I’m gonna have a boner in about 2 minutes if you stay like that” he sassed and I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour before withdrawing my arm and turning around so that our backs were pressed together.

“Well alright, but if I’m not the big spoon then you’re not either” I answered before bending my legs and placing my hands under my pillow. After a long silence, I started to feel his backside wriggle against mine and I bit down hard on my bottom lip to stifle my laugh.

Soon we were both trying to push each other off of the bed and he ended up rolling on top of me, his hands wrapping around my wrists as he pulled my arms above my head and leaned in to press his lips to mine.

“Are you done being a child? Can we sleep now?” he murmured against my mouth and I nodded. He lied beside me and turned me around so that I was facing the window, he then brought his body to mine and he buried his face in my neck as his arms went around me.

“That’s more like it” he hummed appreciatively as I could feel his smile on my skin. 

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