You Have To Use The Safe Word (T)

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Michael - You lifted your arms, enough for Michael to pull off your top. “Lie down, baby.” He coaxed, as you obeyed. You lied down on the floor of the gym, his sweaty body hovering over yours as your head was near an elliptical. Michael’s been pretty spontaneous during sex, but you never thought you’d be lying underneath him on the floor of the gym in your hotel. You let out a moan as he pressed his thumb onto your clit, his lips pressed to your neck as he shushed you. “Hush Y/N, you don’t want us to get caught do you?” He grabbed both your legs, pulling them up as he pushed them onto your chest. You let out a grunt of pain, a harsh burning in your thighs as he lined himself up to your center. “Lem-le” You tried to call out the safe word as he started to pound into you. Your legs burned even more, and it hurt even worse knowing you couldn’t move at all. “Lemons Michael, lemons!” His eyes went wide as he pulled out, letting your legs go as you breathed a sigh of relief. “Try not to bend me like a pretzel next time.” You said, kissing him as you rolled over, now straddling him so you two could finish.

Luke - You let out another loud moan, your second orgasm hitting you as Luke moved his mouth from your center. “You taste so good.” You moaned, motioning for him to come up to you as he attached his lips to yours. Your hand moved down to his length, pumping him slowly in your hand as he moaned into your mouth, biting your lip in the process. You ran your thumb across his slit as he let out another strangled moan. “I can’t take anymore.” He got back down to your dripping center, his thumb on your clit as you felt your legs jump with a little pang of displeasure. “I c-can’t. Not again.” You moaned, his head shaking as he started pushing two fingers in. “You can and you will.” He started to move his fingers at a fast pace, your face twisting in complete displeasure as the feeling of pleasure left and it was replaced with pain. After already coming twice, you were already sensitive down there and with Luke’s rapid pace, it wasn’t making it any better. “Pineapples.” He didn’t stop, moaning himself as your toes curled into the sheets. “Pineapples god dammit!” His fingers stilled, as he looked up at you in complete shock. He removed his fingers, holding you close as you sighed into his neck. “I’m so fucking sorry baby. I didn’t know you were hurting.”

Ashton - “Someone’s been very very naughty.” Ashton spoke, pulling off his shirt as he had you on your hands and knees, your hands handcuffed to the head post. “Fucking answer me.” He said, his hand colliding with your left cheek as you let out a moan, biting your lip. “I’ve been very naughty, Ash.” He smirked, removing his pants as he was now left in his boxers. His hands groped your backside, as he leant down to your ear, smirking before speaking. “Bad girls deserved to be punished.” He drew out the ‘sh’ as he squeezed your bum one more time, before sitting back up. “So perky.” He took one smack, a moan escaping your lips as he chuckled. “Feel good?” You nodded, him sending another one on your opposite cheek. “Fuck.” You whispered, him sending two hits to each one. Your backside started to sting as he continued his assault. “You like this?” He hit you harder, as you cried out in pain. “Peanut butter!” He gasped, uncuffing you as you turned over, hissing at the cool sensation of the sheets on your burning backside. “I’m so sorry, baby. I won’t ever do that again.” “No please do it again, just not that hard.” He chuckled, lying you back down again.

Calum - Calum pulled off his top, you sitting on the bed as he smirked down at you. “Tonight it’s all about you.” He spoke, putting his index finger under your chin as he lifted your head. “All about you.” He chuckled, crashing his lips onto yours as you grabbed a hold of his neck, pulling him down on top of you as you laid down. His hands ran down your bare chest, cupping your boobs in his hands as you let out a straggled moan. “This may be about you, but I wan’t you to be ultimately pleasured.” He pulled off his belt, putting your wrists together as he wrapped the belt around your hands. He pulled it hard, looping it twice as your wrist bones dug into each other. You bit your lip, suppressing your whimpers of pain as he finally let the belt go. You felt your hands going numb as he kissed down your body, your fingers a little numb. “Hotdog Calum.” He stopped kissing you at your belly button, as you shuffled your eyes up to your hands as he shook his head. “I’m sorry.” He released your hands, kissing them as you smiled, reassuring him it was okay now.

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