Taking Care Of Them When Their Drunk (T)

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Your quiet evening of watching Revenge and eating takeout was abruptly interrupted by loud noises at the door and lots of shushing. You expected this, but not so early. Usually it took Ashton a lot longer to get back from hanging out with Calum, Michael and Luke. But hey, you weren’t complaining. You barely saw him today and you desperately needed to hear his voice and feel his skin touch yours. You swung open the door to see Ashton being supported by 2 familiar faces - Calum and Luke. You groaned, “What did you guys do to him? It’s only 11.” They laughed and helped put him down on the couch. “He got wasted within the first hour of even coming out,” Luke explained. Calum nodded, smirking at a crazy-eyed Ashton rolling around. “We’d totally help out with him but Michael’s in the same situation except a lot worse, I think he might have gone down to ask that guy if he’s a prostitute again.” Luke sighed at Calum’s observation and looked out of the open door and yelled, “Hey! Michael stay there.” You were amused, but equally tired and annoyed. Calum and Luke stood there awkwardly. “You guys can leave, don’t worry. Just come back if you need anything.” They nodded and scurried out, slamming the door shut behind them. “Ughghhhhhg.” You walked over to the couch where Ashton had his hands cupped over his ears and watched him roll his entire 6 ft + body onto the floor with a thud. “Owwwww,” he whined. You rushed over and pulled him up, though it was pretty hard considering how much bigger he was than you. “Hello lovely,” he slurred into your ear as he leaned onto your shoulder. You patted his head affectionately and dragged him to the bathroom. “Wha we doin?” He mumbled. You placed him on the edge of the bathtub and waited for the sounds of heaving before opening the toilet and pushing his hair out of his face. “Like clockwork,” you muttered. Anytime this happened, which was rarely admittedly, Ashton would have to puke. It was impossible for him to get this wasted and not vomit, and by this point you had just learned to bring him straight to the bathroom. He moaned into the toilet as his regrets of the night came back to haunt him in the water. You stroked his neck and kissed his shoulders lovingly to get his mind off of the unpleasantries of it all. You hated seeing him so sick and uncomfortable. He moaned again as he slumped his body against the side of the sink. You grabbed a towel from beside you and wiped his face. His eyes were drooping heavily now but you made him wait a few more minutes to see if everything had subsided before helping him make his way to your bedroom. You plopped him in the center and surrounded him with blankets, kissing his forehead affectionately as he dozed off. You made sure to leave a tylenol and water on the bedside stand and a nice note for him to wake up to. He was lovely, but you still had college papers to write and you had wasted almost all of your time on a TV show. You placed his phone, which you found in the bathroom trashcan god knows why, right beside him in case he needed anything and you couldn’t hear him. Before retreating back to boring med school papers, you stared at his angelic face and the way his lips curled down while he slept and how his curls managed to still look better than yours ever could even after a night of vomit and drinking.


You and Calum were at yet another one of Ashton’s get-together’s since the break and as per usual Calum was pushing off leaving until Ashton forced him out. While Calum became fascinated with beer pong in the garage out-back, you opted for catching up with people you hadn’t seen in ages. You spent almost the entire vacation time the boys were allowed to have holed up with Calum at a luxurious beach house on the Gold Coast. It was extravagant, but Calum felt you deserved it. He invited his mum, dad and sister too but after a week of having every one of his family members at least once walk in on you guys doing family-inappropriate things, you were glad to be back and able to have privacy. Calum, however, was looking forward to the ability to drink as much as he wanted. Joy wasn’t super controlling but he didn’t want to disrespect his family by constantly having a beer in his hands, it felt awkward to him as he was only fairly recently legal. Either way, him getting drunk was inevitable. You had no doubts for several reasons: 1) he was complete shit at beer pong 2) he was playing with Luke who was equally shit at beer pong 3) he loved beer 4) no family, not even the other boys’ families, were here. You tried to focus on what your friends were talking about, but your eyes seemed to always end up looking into the garage where Calum would be drinking more and more from a red solo cup. You had no problems with him drinking, you were just nervous he was going to cause drama. Calum was not the type to have any sorts of problems with anyone until alcohol released all of his built-up anger. There was one night you were anxious to repeat in which he trashed a car. Admittedly, it was his own car, but him being drunk, who knows if he knew that. Finally, you had to intervene when you heard shouting. Calum was getting really flustered over an argument about what you assumed to be something completely trivial. You walked over and came to his side protectively, putting your hand on his back. “Hey babe, I think we should go, huh?” He shrugged you off gently and pointed at a guy across the table. “He’s cheating! It’s beer pong dude why are you cheating?” The guy looked confused and extremely high. This was never going to get anywhere. You pulled Calum out of the garage by his hand and shot Ashton a look. He always knew what that meant. You dragged him into the house and up the carpeted stairs straight to the guest bedroom. You pushed him down on the bed lightly and fell backwards next to him. The heat radiating off his skin made you shiver. “Just relax,” you whispered into his ear. His chest moved slower now and the veins in his arms retracted. The black muscle tank he was wearing hugged his chest almost as tightly as you did. He reeked of a mixture of unidentifiable alcohol, but you didn’t mind at all. You looked over at his stoic face and peppered kisses across his collarbone until you finally felt his body relax. “Hey,” you said urgently. His bloodshot eyes lazily made their way to yours. “I love you.” He smiled and giggled. This was the drunk Calum you loved. The giggly, blushy one. You put your head on his chest and put your Spotify on. You guys played an intense game of guess-the-song in under 5 seconds and you obviously won. Though drunk Calum didn’t quite connect the dots and ended up generously complimenting you for your musical superiority.  

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