Drunk Boyfriends

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You were both at a friend's house with Cal, Ash and Luke. Michael was your boyfriend, his ex-girlfriend cheated on him and he became pretty insecure and possessive, he got jealous easily. You were talking with Luke when you felt someone was staring at you, it was Mikey. You loved him and you would never do something to hurt him, Luke was just your friend and you were comforting him because his girlfriend just dumped him. Michael felt so angry to see you both together so he started to drink shots with Calum and Ashton, but he was unstoppable. You and Luke went outside to take some fresh air, he was feeling pretty bad so you hugged him. Suddenly you heard a loud noise from inside the house, it was Michael he was really drunk and he started to yell at you. "Why did you do this to me? I trusted you." He said to you. "And you, I thought you were my best friend, now I know you were just trying to steal my girlfriend, I don't want to see you both, you can be happy together." Michael said to Luke and you as tears streamed down his face. "Babe, I haven't done anything. I don't know what you saw but you can trust me." You said. "I saw you kissing Luke." He said. "I swear I didn't, I was comforting him and then I just hugged him that's all, you need to trust me." You said. "I trust you, maybe I just confused myself. I'm really sorry, please forgive me." He said. "Ok, I forgive you but we'll talk tomorrow you are really drunk right now." You said and then you kissed him.

So today Ashton was going to a bachelor party. His cousin was getting married soon and he invited Ash to his bachelor party. You told him not to get drunk or you were going to lose all respect for him. You were home alone with Calum because he was sick, Michael and Luke were at a party. You decided to watch scary movies with Calum, you were watching the ring and when the movie ended you both were a little scared. Suddenly, the phone rang, you and Calum laughed about it, he decided to answer. "It's Ash." He said. Calum's face changed from normal to concerned, when the phone call ended. "What's going on?" You said worried. "We have to pick up Ash." He said. "But you're sick." You said. "It doesn't matter, he needs us." When you arrived at his cousin's house you saw Ashton at the door with him. He had with head bandaged. "What happened?" You asked to his cousin. "He fell from the stairs and hit his head hard." He said. "But how?" You said then you understood everything, he was drunk. "You promised me you were not going to drink." You said looking at Ashton's eyes. "It wasn't his fault me and my friends told him it was just water, but it wasn't. I'm really sorry." Ashton's cousin said. "It's ok." You said. You and Calum took Ashton home. He had a terrible headache, and you were taking care of him. "Babe, I never meant to disappoint you." He said. "Shhhhh, it wasn't your fault." And you both fell asleep together, while he was hugging you from behind.

You and Calum were at the club with the boys. It was good to have some free time with them and have fun, you danced with them for hours, but then you got tired and you told Calum you were going to the restroom. When you were at the restroom someone called your name and when you turn around you saw your best friend from high school, you were really happy and you left the restroom together, you both started to talk about how you lives have changed since you finished school. It was crazy, you were dancing and talking at the same time, you forgot about the boys until you felt someone grabbed from behind it was Ashton. "We were looking for you, we thought someone kidnapped you. Calum was really scared and he started to drink, now he is acting like a ... You have to come with me and tell him to stop." Ashton said as he drove you to where Calum was. Your best friend was following you as Ashton pointed where Cal was. You weren't that surprised, he was obviously drunk. He was pole dancing while he was taking his clothes off. "Calum, get out from there." You said but he didn't seem to listen. When he finally noticed you, he was about to take his boxers off. "Come here and join me babe." He said trying to get to where you were. "Are you out of your mind? Come here right now, we're leaving." You said and the boys helped him to get down. When you were on your way home with the boys, Cal fell asleep. He looked so cute that you were going to wait for him to wake up the next day to complain about the fact that he almost got naked in front of a lot of people.

You were playing a game with the boys. It was actually a boring game but the boys put a little of fun on it. If you lost three times you had to drink a whole bottle of vodka. The game was getting really interesting, until Luke lost three times. He had to drink the whole bottle. "Luke, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." You told him. "Those are the game rules, I have to do it." He said as he started to drink the whole bottle. The rest of the boys were like go, go, go, go. When we was finally done drinking he looked normal but minutes later he started to feel dizzy. "I told you, but you never listen to me." You said to Luke. "I love you babe, I really do, never leave me alone, I could never leave without you." Luke said as he started to hug you. "Lucas, Are you getting sentimental?" You said. "I'm just saying the truth." He said. "Ok, wait here I'm going to the pharmacy to get you some pills for tomorrow, I have the feeling that you're gonna have a massive hangover tomorrow." You said as you left the house. It only took you 7 minutes to get back to the house again, when you were at the door you heard loud noises it was Luke singing and crying. Michael, Ashton and Calum were trying to stop him to get to the door. "I wish I was, I wish I was beside you." Luke singed until you opened the door, and ran to hug you. "You took so long, I thought something happened to you and I wasn't there to protect you. I try to leave to the house but the boys didn't let me." He said while he was crying. "It's okay, nothing happened, just promise me you will never follow the game rules again if I tell you to." You said. "I promise." Luke said as he kissed your head.

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