Family Trait

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First part of our rewrite!! I'm so sorry it took so long but I just had to figure out where I wanted to go and certain stuff. Thank you all for your patience and I will update this book as quickly and as diligently as possible.

One little note: I know most X readers use e/c but for this storyline, your aka Y/n's eyes will be brown because of the glowing eyes feature :)

On that note, let's get into it shall we?

First Person POV - Y/n

"Y/n. Y/n. Y/n!!"

"What do you want John?"

"Get up, or you don't get breakfast."

"I'm not getting up to eat half a moldy apple."

"Fine, be like that and starve."

"Better that than dying of food poisoning."

"Why are you so dramatic?"

I heard the aggressive stomping of a 15-year-old pain in the ass walk down the stairs and I sighed. I really didn't want to get out of bed especially considering that today was just going to be the same day as yesterday to everyone else.

But to me, it was different. 11 years ago today, I was born.

Most kids look forward to this day for months. They plan extravagant birthday parties and get presents. I would be lucky if I get food today.

I turned on the lamp in my room rather than opening the curtains and grabbed the locket on the nightstand. It had a photo of a man and woman with a baby girl inside. There were also a few names on the back, which I assumed were the names of my birth parents.

The woman, my mother, was beautiful, with long black hair and brown eyes. Like mine. She looked like me but about a decade older.

The man, most likely my father, was handsome with mesmerizing blue eyes and brown hair.

The young baby was in the woman's arms, wrapped in the same pink blanket that I kept in my closet for as long as I could remember.

There was something else in the locket. A piece of paper with one word on it: Horcrux. I had no idea what it meant, and hours spent at the local library hadn't given me any answers.

It must've meant something and I did want to figure out what it was but I had no idea where even to start.

On the back of the locket, there were three engraved names.

Marlowe Arthur Emrys

Lyra Black Emrys

Y/n Myrddin Emrys

This locket was the only reason I knew my real name and my parents' names. In complete honesty, they were strangers' names but they were my family. People I knew almost nothing about.

I would do anything to meet them. Just to feel any sort of warmth that a family was supposed to give you. For at least a minute.

But my dire situation made it impossible. My adoptive parents knew nothing about my birth parents, they, specifically my adoptive mother, never hesitated to make known the little tidbit they did know, that they were dead.

Every now and then, when I would do something to retaliate against the horrible ways that my adoptive mother treated me, she would just remind me that I was lucky to have a roof over my head and food in my stomach.

The food part was a bit of a stretch but it was better than being homeless and starving on the streets.

"Y/n, get down here now!" yelled a voice and I groaned.

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