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It's time for everything to go shit! Yay! :I

Let's get into it.

First Person POV - Y/n

After the award ceremony, Ludo Bagman came to our room and grudgingly paid us the 50 galleons from our bet.

"Don't tell your mother you've been gambling," Mr. Weasley implored Fred and George as we left the stadium.

"Don't worry, Dad," said Fred gleefully, "we've got big plans for this money. We don't want it confiscated."

Mr. Weasley looked for a moment as though he was going to ask what these big plans were, but seemed to decide, upon reflection, that he didn't want to know.

Everyone was arguing about the match, but it was mostly Harry and I arguing with Ron about how stupid Krum was and Charlie, Bill and the twins occasionally all joining in. 

When we finally reached the tents, nobody felt like sleeping at all, and given the level of noise around us, Mr. Weasley agreed that we could all have one last cup of cocoa together before turning in.

We continued to argue while drinking and it was only when Ginny fell asleep at the table that Mr. Weasley called a halt to the verbal replays and insisted that everyone go to bed.

Hermione and I grabbed Ginny and took her back to our tent and placed her on the bed.

"What a match, honestly," I said as I got onto my bed.

"Why do you think he did it?" asked Hermione, "Got the Snitch. They were close."

"I think, although stupid, it was so that he could get the last sort of triumph. Ireland was going to win, it was obvious, so he wanted to have something," I answered. "You?"

"I think it was because he wanted one last hoorah before he's replaced as the center of attention in the International Quidditch Association," said Hermione and I laughed, "I heard people talking about it as we left."

"You're going to be the new focus."

"Great, more attention," I said before I turned.

I closed my eyes and dozed off but I was suddenly awoken by a scream.

I looked around and saw that a few hours had passed but it was still dark.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked as I got off my bed.

Hermione and Ginny did the same and Mr. Weasley came running into our ten.

"Get outside!" said Mr. Weasley, "Now!"

We did as we were told and hurried out of the tent. I looked around and saw a few fires that were burning and people running into the woods.

I reached for my necklace and pressed the little Phoenix repeatedly but no one apparated to where I was.

"Remus!" I yelled out, "Abo?! Marlene!"

There was no response and just more yells and screams of panic.

A crowd of wizards, tightly packed and moving together with wands pointing straight upward, were marching slowly across the field. They were hooded and their faces masked.

High above them, floating along in midair, four struggling figures were being contorted into grotesque shapes.

I moved behind the tent and threw a sphere of fire towards them and the figures were brought down. They landed with thuds but the distraction gave them enough time to escape.

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