First Years

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Alright, Chapter Seis. Woop Woop!

First Person POV - Y/n

"Let the feast...begin!"

Dozens of foods of all sorts: potatoes, steak, chicken, everything that I could ever dream of appeared on the table. I haven't eaten a meal like this ever and I honestly couldn't believe it.

"It's even cooler to eat it," said Hermione and I smiled. 

I grabbed a little bit of everything to test it all out and it was the right choice. The potatoes. The pot pies. The wings. 

Everything seemed like it had been made in heaven. 

"Y/n, do you know who that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell is?" asked Harry leaning over to me. 

"No idea," I replied. 

"Oh, that's Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house," answered a redhead that Harry and I both looked at confused, "Hi. Percy Weasley. Ron's older brother."

"Nice to meet you, Percy," I said before glancing at Professor Snape, "What does he teach?"

"Potions," answered Percy, "But everyone knows it's the Dark Arts he fancies. He's been after Quirrell's job for years."

"Dark arts?" asked Harry. 

"Defense Against the Dark Arts. It's a class that you're going to take," explained Percy, "It teaches you how to defend yourself out in the real world."

"Cool," I replied before reaching for one of the juices. 

I turned to grab it but then saw a floating head in front of me. 

"What the hell?!" I yelled before pulling my hand back. 

The head floated up more revealing the rest of his body and introduceed himself, "Hello! How are you? Welcome to Gryffindor."

"Hello, Sir Nicholas. Have a nice summer?" said Percy.

"Dismal. Once again, my request to join the headless hunt has been denied."

"Hey, I know you!" said Ron, "You're Nearly Headless Nick!"

"I prefer Sir Nicholas if you don't mind."

"Nearly headless? How can you be nearly headless?" asked Hermione looking at Sir Nicholas. 

"Like this," said the ghost before he grabbed his head and pulled it off so it was barely hanging on. 

"Oh my, why did you ask?" I said covering my eyes in disgust. 

Harry and Ron laughed as I squinted through my fingers to see that he was gone. Hermione gave me an apologetic smile and I just sighed. 

"Are you enjoying your meal?" said a voice behind me and I turned around to see my uncle standing there. 

"You're here!" I yelled hugging him, "I didn't see you before."

"I'm sorry I missed your sorting," said Uncle Aboran, "I got caught up at the Ministry."

"You work at the Ministry?!" asked Hermione looking up at him, "Wait, you're Aboran Emrys. You're the Ministry Ambassador for Hogwarts."

"That I am, and you are?"

"Hermione Granger," answered Hermione and my uncle shook her hand. 

"This is Ron Weasley," I said after pointing to Ron. 

"Ello!" said Ron since his mouth was full, "Pweasure to meet yer, sir."

"Pleasure to meet you, Ron," said Uncle Aboran laughing, "I have to go talk to Dumbledore but enjoy the food, and it was nice to meet you, Ron and Hermione."

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