All Yours

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Let's get into it!

First Person POV - Y/n

As we neared our tent, a bunch of wizards and witches ran towards us. They were asking Mr. Weasley multiple questions and they turned towards me but my focus was elsewhere.

I looked around until I finally saw Remus, and I ran over to him. He was with Marlene and Aboran.

"Are you all ok?" I asked.

"We're fine," said Remus, "What about you? We heard four teens were being cornered."

"Yeah, tried accusing us but now they're accusing an elf," I said and they looked at me contused, "It's that Crouch guy. He's a real..."

"Asshole," said Marlene.

I smiled as I looked around looking for the one person I still haven't heard or seen yet.

"Have you seen Blaise?" I asked and they all shook their heads. "Great, my boyfriends missing. That's fun."

I left the three of them and wandered through the crowd. I didn't see him anywhere but I saw his mother and I ran over to her.

"Mrs. Zabini," I said as she saw me.

"Please Y/n, call me Aida," said Blaise's mother and I nodded.

"Of course, Aida, do you know where your son is?" I asked worried.

Her face changed as she said, "I thought he was with you."

"Oh for the love of..." I said looking around, "I'm going to look for him."

She nodded as she left to do the same thing. I walked around asking everyone if they had seen someone who looked like Blaise but no one had.

"I did," said a small Muggle child as I asked their parents.

"Where?" I asked softly, "He's in that tent over there. Helping my friend."

I sprinted towards the tent the child had pointed at and I saw Blaise inside helping bandage a little girls leg. She was even smaller than the kid who helped me find Blaise and she looked terrified.

"It should be ok now," said Blaise before he turned to me, "Thank Merlin you're alright."

He stood up and I grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the tent.

"Y/n, what-"

Before he could finish, I pulled him in and kissed him so hard, I was convinced I had broken both of our jaws. It was our first kiss, my first kiss ever technically, and I would've preferred it be under more normal circumstances but I was terrified.

"You piece of shit," I said shoving him back after we pulled apart, "Don't scare me like that."

"What?" said Blaise smirking, "You were afraid?"

"I'll hurt you," I snapped but I smiled, "I'm glad to see that you're ok."

"Me too," said Blaise. "I came looking for you, you know. Stopped when I saw the little girl crying and her leg bleeding."

"You know, Malfoy might kick you out if he heard," I said as we started walking.

"Let him," said Blaise and I laughed. "Anyways, you kissed me."

"Yeah well with everything that just happened..."

He smiled before he kissed me again and I blushed as we pulled apart.

"Come on," said Blaise.

We walked back to his mother's tent and she hugged him as soon as she laid eyes on him.

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