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Quite the number of updates. My formal apology for not uploading for a long time. 

Let's get into it!

First Person POV - Y/n

"I don't..." I whispered as I tried to understand everything I learned.

Sirius Black was responsible for my parents dying.

I had a brother but they didn't say what had happened to him. Where was he that night? What did Voldemort do?

They must've known.

I didn't care who saw me, I sprinted out of the Three Broomsticks.

"Y/n!" yelled Hermione but I ignored her.

As fast as I could, I ran towards the castle and I didn't realize until I had got there that I had made it back fast and yet I wasn't tired.

I didn't worry about that and ran towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and Remus was standing there.

"Y/n? Is everything alright?" asked Professor Lupin but I didn't say anything.

I pressed the button on my necklace and my uncle and Marlene were both standing there.

"What's wrong?" asked Marlene.

"What's wrong is that you all have been keeping several secrets from me!" I screamed at all of them.

Professor Lupin closed the door and placed a silencing charm around us as I continued on.

"I have a brother?! Sirius Black is the reason my parents are dead?!" I yelled in shock and anger, "He killed his best friend and sister and laughed about it? I can't even...you...you never told me."

I calmed myself down internally so I didn't lose control again and I didn't. However, I was still angry.

"How did you find out?" asked Marlene.

"You said you think he's innocent," I snapped at Marlene, "Why?"

"You think he's innocent?" asked Lupin. "He killed Peter!"

"It was Sirius!" replied Marlene, "Sirius protected Peter. He protected all of us. He had no motive or reason to do it."

"But he did, Mar," snapped Uncle Aboran.

"No, the Ministry never properly handled it. If they were that convinced, why give not give him truth serum and interrogate him? Why not ask for his story?" yelled Marlene, "They threw him in jail without even thinking. They needed someone to blame so they blamed him, the dead people's best friend."

I was shocked at how passionate she was about it.

"What happened to my brother?" I asked interrupting the silence. "And why has no one told me about him?"


"Answer the question," I snapped.

"He was kidnapped by Voldemort the night your parents died," said Lupin, "They took him before your parents were killed and Voldemort came for you. We spend months looking for him. Following every clue, looking for something to hint where he was or whether he was alive..."

"And?" I asked.

"We never found him. We think Voldemort believed he also had Merlin's abilities but your brother didn't have the double or triple triskelion like Aboran or you," explained Professor Lupin, "so when he realized he didn't..."

"We believe they killed him," finished Marlene and I shook my head in disbelief.

"We didn't want you to know," said Uncle Aboran, "So we erased him from that album you got. From the necklace, from everything."

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