Bad Day

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Hi!! Sorry for this taking forever!

First Person POV - Harry

"RON! HURRY UP OR WE'LL BE LATE!" I yelled looking at the clock.

We had about 11 minutes to eat and get down to Professor Sprout's Greenhouse and it was a almost a ten-minute run, not even walk to the Great Hall.

"I'm hurrying up, mate," snapped Ron, "Bloody hell."

I sighed and just left the dorm, deciding to wait in the common room. Y/n was already there and she gave me a knowing look.

"Redhead?" asked Y/n and I nodded. "At least it's not McGonagall's class, if you were late on the first day to her class two years in a row, game over."

"Yeah, what happened with you? Aren't you up at the crack of dawn with Hermione?" I asked.

"Just give it a minute," replied Y/n, looking back at the door to the girl's dorm.

After a minute or so, the door swung open and hit the wall. Hermione came running out of the door screaming.

"We're gonna be late! We're gonna be late! We're gonna be late! We're gonna be late! We're gonna be late!"

"We somehow missed our alarms," explained Y/n, "Which is impossible since they're magically calibrated but...who knows?"

Ron came out of the boys' room at the same time, watching Hermione frantically run down the stairs.

"I finished at the same time as the great Hermione Granger?" asked Ron as he came down the stairs.

"Careful," warned Y/n, "A comment might just break her and result in her breaking your neck."

I laughed as Ron observed Hermione run back towards the dorm saying she had forgotten something.

Once she returned, she grabbed Y/n's hand and yelled, "COME ON! WE HAVE TO GO OR WE'LL BE LATE! IT'S ALREADY 7:53!"

She pulled hard and Y/n was yanked towards the door. She managed to grab Ron's hand right before and Ron grabbed mine so we were all yanked together.

"How is she this strong?" asked Ron as we were pushed through the door and forced to start running.

"I think she enchants herself to be stronger when needed," answered Y/n as we sprinted towards the Greenhouse.

We managed to arrive just a minute before class started. The seats were full so Ron and Hermione sat a few tables away from Y/n and me.

" as..small as Hermione...could have the strength to...pull all of us at sprinting speed?" said Y/n while panting.

"Wow, you all look terrible," said Dean laughing.

"Thank you, Dean," snapped Y/n, "Your commentary is much appreciated."

"Anytime," replied Dean.

Y/n just sighed as the door opened again and Professor Sprout walked inside the greenhouse.

"Morning, everyone! Good morning, everyone!"

"Good morning, Professor Sprout!"

"Welcome to Greenhouse Three, Second Years. Now, gather around, everyone. Today, we are going to repot Mandrakes," said Professor Sprout and I looked at Y/n who looked back confused, "Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?"

Hermione raised her hand as high as she possibly could and she was called on.

"Mandrake, or Mandragora, is used to return those who have been Petrified to their original state," answered Hermione, "It's also quite dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it."

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