Disturbed and Dangerous

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Let's get into it

First Person POV - Y/n

"Why does it feel like my heads been smashed in?" I mumbled as I opened my eyes.

I was still in Professor Dumbledore's office and the three Professors I last remembered seeing along with Remus, Marlene and Uncle Aboran were standing above me.

"Oh thank Merlin, you're alright," said Remus with relief.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You shook England, kid," said Marlene as she rubbed my hand. "Caused an earthquake that extended outside the Wizarding world."

"Please don't say people died," I said genuinely worried.

"No deaths," said Uncle Aboran, "Although you destroyed plenty of buildings across the country. Fudge has a task team working on it...it helps that he likes you."

"Great," I said holding my head, "How long has it been?"

"A few hours," said Dumbledore, "If you don't mind, what did you see Y/n?"

"Everyone Voldemort has killed," I said and they all went quiet, "Bertha Jorkins. This old guy. My parents. Harry's parents. Hundreds of random people."

"These memory flashbacks I get because of Merlin...they have triggers and I had this dream during Divination," I continued, "It triggered all these memories but they weren't mine. They were his."

I was genuinely confused as to why I had these memories. No one in the room had any idea either and after about 30 minutes of asking me questions, I was dismissed. I said my goodbyes and then left the office.

No one seemed to be in the hallways and I realized after I got to the tower that the news of the earthquake had already spread.

No one seemed to put it together that it was me, except for Harry, Ron and Hermione, to whom I explained everything.

"You saw Voldemort's memories?" asked Harry and I nodded.

"This has to be the worst year yet," said Ron and I laughed. "I mean whoever is trying to off you really has it in for you."

"Yeah well, their last chance is the maze coming up."

Because of the earthquake and everything, Harry, Hermione and Ron made me train for the last task. I practiced all kinds of charms including casting them, stopping them or absorbing them.

Even target aim with fire and weather.

Even though I was prepared, my stomach seemed to just flip as time got closer and closer to June 24.

I genuinely wanted to win this tournament. I hated the idea of it in the beginning and I had hoped to just lose the entire time but now I wanted it.

However, that desire didn't dilute the absolute terror I felt when I woke up on the morning of the last task.

Breakfast was a very noisy affair at the Gryffindor table and I was reading over the good luck card from Sirius.

A screech owl arrived for Hermione, carrying her morning copy of the Daily Prophet as usual. She unfolded the paper, glanced at the front page, and spat out a mouthful of pumpkin juice all over it.

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