Flying Car

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Hi! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. 

Let's get into it. 


First Person POV - Y/n

"GET UP, YOU TWO!" screamed a voice and my eyes shot open. 

I slowly sat up and saw Percy standing in the doorway. I rolled my eyes and slowly stood up. Ginny was doing the same and we both groaned. 

"Stop groaning and get ready," snapped Percy, "We leave soon."

"Of course we do," I said as Ginny left to go to the bathroom. 

"If you could wake up Ron and Harry," said Percy looking at me, "That would be great."

"Yeah, yeah," I said waving him off. 

Once he was gone, I left the room and went down a level where Ron's room was. I knocked on it loudly but there was no response. 

"Get up, you two!" I yelled but still, there was no response. "Fine."

"Alohomora," I whispered after taking out my wand and pointing it at the handle. 

The door flew open and I saw Ron and Harry lying on their beds still sleeping. I felt bad for a second until I realized that I was woken up early so they would have to be as well. 

"GET OUT OF BED OR I BRING BACK THE SPIDERS!" I yelled into Ron's ears and he jumped out of his bed. 

"No, no spiders!" yelled Ron before looking around and seeing me, "Why?"

"Happy first day of term, redhead," I said before leaving the room. "Good morning, Harry."

After Ron had jumped out of bed, Harry had woken up with him and was now standing up beside his bed. 

I left the two of them and went back to Ginny's room. She had finished getting ready and I quickly did the same. 

Once I was done, Ginny and I grabbed our luggage and headed downstairs where the twins and Percy were already eating breakfast. 

"Sounded like an eventful morning," said Fred as we sat down. 

"Well, it wasn't for Ron and Harry," I replied and they laughed. 

The doorbell rang and Mrs. Weasley opened the door and I saw my uncle and Marlene walk into the room. 

"Hey there," said my uncle as I got up and hugged both of them. "We thought we would stop by and wish you luck before we headed to work."

"Work?" I asked looking at Marlene. 

I knew my uncle had a job but I didn't know what she was going to do. 

"I got a job at the Ministry as an Auror," said Marlene, "I finished my training years ago but never got into the job. Aboran put in a good word for me and today's my first day."

"Good luck," said George before I could, "You'll do great."

"George Weasley," I said turning around and he looked away, "Good luck, Marlene."

"You too, Y/n," said Marlene. 

Mrs. Weasley offered them breakfast but they said they had to leave and after wishing me and the other Weasley kids luck, they left. 

"So, Y/n," said George as I sat back down at the table, "Do you think you could set me up with Marlene?"

"She's 33 and you're 14," I said while raising my eyebrows at him.

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