You've Been Pranked

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Anywho, let's get into it.

First Person POV - Y/n

"Avada Kadavra!"

"No!" I yelled before I shot up out of bed.

I looked around and saw that I was in my own room, sweat dripping down my face. My hands and triskelion were glowing.

"For the love of Merlin," I said as I got off the bed and looked over at the clock.

It was 5 in the morning and the sun wasn't even up yet.

"Stay out of my god damn dreams, Voldemort," I snapped as I left my room and headed to the kitchen.

I had seen him killing some old man, while this giant snake he called Nagini slithered around him. I would much rather dream about anything else but that and yet Voldemort was the only thing in my dreams.

This time however Pettigrew was also there, and him killing the man was a new thing.

I tried to recall all the details and realized that I was still glowing because of it.

"Calm down," I whispered to myself as I reached the kitchen.

"Y/n?" asked a quiet voice and I turned to see Remus, "It's five a.m, why up so early?"

"Nightmare," I answered honestly and he sighed.

He grabbed his own glass of water and sat down next to where I was.

"The chamber?" he asked and I nodded.

"No, it was a different one this time," I said and I explained the dream to him. "There was also a giant snake, Nagini. I didn't think it could get worse than that stupid Basilisk."

"Nagini is the worst. She's Lord Voldemort's, how you would say, pet. She's killed hundreds of wizards with her bite."

"Great," I said annoyed. "Do you think it's real?"

"It could be, but I don't see why you would see him killing an old man," said Remus and I sighed, "But it could be a hidden code for something."

"Have Marlene and Abo found anything yet?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No reports of his resurgence," said Remus, "But, you saw Pettigrew."

"Yeah...this is it, Remus. Everything Trelawney predicted. The servant shall reunite with his master, which means that..."

"Y/n, if Voldemort comes back, we will figure out a way to stop him," said Remus and he grabbed my hands, "You're older now and we're better prepared."


"Plus," said Remus leaning back in his chair, "We don't have a wormy traitor on our side this time."

"Right," I said smiling. "What are you doing up so early anyways?"

"I had to get some things ready for tonight since today we're going to be busy with your Quidditch decisions," said Remus and I nodded, "Abo and Marlene should be back soon since they've been out all night with the Ministry for the World Cup final."

I forgot the final match was soon. It was my first and last time watching it since the next time it came around, I was supposed to play in it.

"Well, I have no chance of going back to sleep so I'm going to go get ready."


I walked upstairs and back into my room. I grabbed everything I would need to get ready and did as slowly as my body was willing to go.

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