Waiting Patiently

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As promised!

Let's get into it!

First Person POV - Y/n


"Shut up, you cranky old hag," I snapped as I came down the stairs, "It's the house of my mother and let me just say, it was besmirched beyond compare before we were here."

"You ignorant, traitorous-"


It was quiet after that and I sighed. The morning was already a mess and my grandmother's portrait only made it worse.

Everyone had woken up late and Mrs. Weasley was now screaming more often than not about how we were going to miss the train.

"Hey Har," I said smiling at him.

He smiled back and passed me the giant bowl of porridge. Hermione came in after with Hedwig on her shoulder.

"Everyone ready?" I asked.

"Yes," said Hermione. "But now Mad-Eye's complaining that we can't leave unless Sturgis Podmore's here, otherwise the guard will be one short."

"Guard?" said Harry. "We have to go to King's Cross with a guard?"

"You both have to go to King's Cross with a guard," Hermione said and I sighed.

"Voldemort is not going to attack us at the station," I reasoned, "If he does, I might just push him in front of the train...or jump in front of it myself."

Harry laughed as Hermione looked at her watch.

"If we don't leave soon we're definitely going to miss the train..."

"Maybe that's a sign," I said, "That we shouldn't go back."

I loved Hogwarts more than anything and I was excited to go back, but there was also that lurking fear that going back might cause more chaos than good.

"WILL YOU LOT GET DOWN HERE NOW, PLEASE!" Mrs. Weasley yelled from somewhere outside of the room.

My grandmother started yelling again and I wish there was some spell for me to permanently destroy her but Kreacher might have a heart attack.

Although, I barely even saw Kreacher.

"Kreacher?" I called out but no one appeared. "Kreacher, come here!"

"Why are you calling that rancid elf?" asked Sirius walking in.

"Well, we haven't seen in him in a while. We should make sure he's here...and not dead."

"Good riddance if he is."

"Sirius," snapped Hermione but my uncle just shrugged.

"MUDBLOODS! SCUM! CREATURES OF DIRT!" screamed a shrill voice as we all left the dining room and walked towards the door.

Everyone was now there with their luggage waiting. Sirius turned into a giant black dog and although Mrs. Weasley frowned upon it, she didn't stop him.


"Bye Grandma," I said sarcastically, "Oh and Somnus."

The painting shut up and the curtains closed. I signaled everyone to be quiet and we all left 12 Grimmauld Place and walked down the path.

"If only Arthur could have got us cars from the Ministry again...but Fudge wouldn't let him borrow so much as an empty ink bottle these days," said Mrs. Weasley as we walked, "How Muggles can stand traveling without magic..."

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