Be Reasonable

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Let's get into it!

First Person POV - Y/n

"Y/n! Hermione! " said Harry suddenly. "We've got to move!"

"We can't, I keep telling you-"

"Not to interfere! Lupin's going to run into the forest, right at us!"

Hermione gasped and I ran over to Buckbeak. I jumped on top of him.

"Both of you run that towards the hut," I said and they looked at me confused, "I'll distract him. I'll be fine, go!"

They both left and I saw the werewolf running towards us.

"Alright, Buckbeak," I said as he turned towards the forest, "Let's do this."

Buckbeak started running fast and the werewolf chased after us. I guided us through the trees until we were far enough and I signaled Buckbeak to fly up.

He did and I saw the werewolf run under us not even looking up.

"How could anyone have ever wanted you gone?" I whispered and Buckbeak made a sound that almost seemed like a laugh.

I smiled before I saw the Dementors flying towards the lake.

I guided Buckbeak over to the lake and we landed within the trees. I could see myself over Sirius's body and the Dementors got closer and closer.

"Where the was me," I said while looking around, "My patronus was the patronus I saw. There was two..."

"I think the other one was mine," said Harry's voice and he ran up next to me.

"On three?" I asked and we both took out both of our wands.

"One," said Harry and we interlocked our free hands. 


"Three...Expecto Patronum!"

And out of the end of our wand burst, not shapeless clouds of mist, but a glowing pair of silver animals.

One was a panther and the other was a stag. Harry's patronus was a stag. They charged at the Dementors and the Dementors fell back into the darkness. Once the area was clear, they came back over to us.

"Fangs and Prongs," I said smiling, "Reunited again."

"Prongs," said Harry and he looked amazed at his patronus.

We turned around and saw Hermione rushing towards us angrily.

"What did you do?" she said fiercely. "You said you were only going to keep a lookout! Y/n, you were supposed to watch him!"

"WE just saved Y/n and Sirius's lives," said Harry and I nodded. "Get behind here behind this bush, and we'll explain."

Hermione listened to what had just happened with her mouth open yet again.

"Did anyone see you?" she asked.

"Yes, haven't you been listening? I saw us but I had no idea who it was so I'm presuming it's fine."

"I can't believe it...You both conjured up a Patronus that drove away all those Dementors! That's very, very advanced magic."

"I knew I could do it this time," said Harry side-glancing over at me, "because one I'd already done it if that makes sense, and two, I finally realized the perfect, happiest memory."

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