Quidditch Cup

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I have nothing to say, except I hope you all enjoy this update.

Let's get into it.

First Person POV - Y/n

I grabbed Harry's arm and led him out of the room before we walked into an empty classroom.

"You must prepare to fight. You must prepare to turn. What did she mean by that?" I asked confused.

"I'm not sure," replied Harry. "Should we tell someone?"

"NO! No. We don't know what that was, and we can't afford to tell anyone especially not Hermione or Ron, because they will just freak out."

"What about Dumbledore?"

"What part of we can't tell anyone do you not understand?" I asked, "We would be putting them in danger."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, so what do we do?"

"The only thing we can do, nothing."

It took some time to convince Harry to do nothing but that's all we could do. We didn't have the ability nor the time to figure it out since the holidays had only piled homework onto us like never before.

"Call this holiday!" Seamus yelled annoyed at the common room one afternoon. "The exams are ages away, what're they playing at?"

"Torture," I answered simply.

It was worse for me since I now had the most amount of subjects. Since Hermione had dropped Divination, I couldn't even use her to help.

With Quidditch too, I was always the last one to leave the common room. Oliver called me into tactic meetings everyday. The Gryffindor-Slytherin match would take place on the first Saturday after the Easter holidays.

Slytherin was leading the tournament by exactly three hundred points, which meant that we needed at least 150 points on the day of just from the Chasers before Harry caught the snitch.

That was 15 shots which wasn't too bad but it was against the Slytherins who have a record for not playing fair.

The whole of Gryffindor House was obsessed with the coming match. The entire Gryffindor team wanted to win the match badly, and let Oliver get one more Quidditch Cup win before he graduates.

It wasn't that stressful since it was just getting one more cup, or so I thought.

I was called in by Professor McGonagall to discuss something about the upcoming match. Once, I arrived at her office, I saw Madame Hooch, and Professor Dumbledore standing there with smiles on their faces.

"Hello Professors," I said as I walked over towards the desk.

"Hello, Y/n, how are you?" asked McGonagall in a calm, but oddly peppy tone.

"Good...am I in trouble? Because I swear I haven't done anything illegal...I think."

"You think...No, that's not the point. We have called you here because of a recent update. I believe that you know about your recruitment with the Quidditch team."


"Well, they've decided that they would like to see you play," said Professor McGonagall and I nearly tripped.


"The team will be disguised in the crowd but they are coming to watch you," explained the Professor, "We wanted to tell you so you know to bring your absolute best."

"This isn't a prank right," I said looking around, "I know too much about a certain potion that could make people look like other people, and I swear if you are Fred and George-"

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