Follow the Butterflies

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It's been way too long since I updated this book and I apologize for that!

Let's get into it!

First Person POV - Y/n

"So how do we do it?" asked Ron, "There are no spiders."

"Well they show up when someone's been petrified," I said remembering the spiders that seemed to crawl around, "As morbid as it sounds, I think we just have to wait for that."

"We can't wait for someone else to be petrified to take action."

"It's the only choice we have. There is nothing else we can do," I replied, "Everyone just keep your eyes open for spiders. A group of them not a single one."

Ron nodded weirdly and I smiled at him.

"You don't have to engage them," I said, "If you see them, just find us."

He nodded and we put the cloak back on and headed back towards the castle. The boys left and I went into my room but it felt weird to sleep in my bed, next to Hermione's.

I got off the bed and snuck into the boys' dorm and saw that Harry and Ron weren't sleeping either.

"I can't sleep in my bed," I whispered and Ron patted the side of his bed.

He signaled Harry to come over too and the three of us just laid down next to each other on the bed quietly.

It wasn't even an awkward silence, it was comforting. And before I knew it, I fell asleep.


"That's cute," said a voice loudly as I opened my eyes.

The twins were standing at the foot of the bed and I saw that Harry and Ron were both still asleep next to me.

"I couldn't sleep in mine," I mumbled as I got up.

"We don't blame you," said Fred and I smiled. "Wake up, sleepy-heads."

Harry and Ron grudgingly woke up after and stared at the twins for a while. Apparently, they were our escorts to class today since the professor who was supposed to was still fixing the tower that I had destroyed.

"When will the fear stop?" asked Ron as we passed students who all looked horrified.

"When the heir is caught," answered Harry.

He wasn't wrong. For the next several weeks, teachers escorted students, the twins laid off pranks so they weren't in some corner planning, everyone was on edge.

They had also blocked off the medical wing, to make sure that whoever petrified them, wouldn't come back to finish them off, but that didn't stop me from stealing Harry's cloak and sneaking into the Medical Wing to see Hermione, just to make sure that she was only petrified and nothing else.

News about Dumbledore's firing and Hagrid's imprisonment spread like wildfire and everyone was talking about it and creating their own rumors. Especially Malfoy who acted like it was Christmas every day.

Even with all the chaos and terror, Malfoy continued on as his happy, snobby self. Not a single thing had changed except that he had more confidence and was slightly happier, especially in Potions.

"I always thought Father might be the one who got rid of Dumbledore," said Malfoy one day in potions and I had to distract myself immensely so I didn't strangle him. "I told you he thinks Dumbledore's the worst headmaster the school's eve. Maybe we'll get a decent headmaster now. Someone who won't want the Chamber of Secrets closed. McGonagall won't last long, she's only filling in-"

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