Arrested in Egypt

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Overdue, let's get into it.

First Person POV - Y/n

"Guys, this is gonna blow up in our faces," I said as I placed my hands on the door of the pyramid. "Your mum is going to kill us, resuscitate us, and then kill us again."

"Oh, come on, she'll have no proof," said Fred as they looked around.

"What the hell do you mean she'll have no proof?! We are in the middle of Egypt, and about to lock Percy into a pyramid, who else would have the guts and, truth be told, motive to do that, eh?!"

"Ok you have a point, but come on Y/n, just do it."

"Fine, fine. God, I swear you're going to get us arrested by Egyptian authorities."

I placed my hands on the lock of the pyramid and said, "Colloportus."

The pyramid locked itself and we waited for a few seconds until we heard footsteps and then banging on the door.

"FRED! GEORGE! Y/N! LET ME OUT RIGHT NOW!" yelled Percy's voice from inside the pyramid.

"I'm sorry who are Fred, George and Y/n?" I asked and Percy groaned.

"Let me out!"

"Sorry Perce, no can do," replied George as he gave Fred and me a high five.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" yelled a strange voice from behind us.

"You think that's your mother with a different voice," I whispered and Fred shook his head, "Damn it, I'm going to jail before I turn 18."

We all turned around and saw three men standing in front of us in police uniforms. I heard George ground and I cursed the twins off for convincing me.

I love pranking Percy but this was quite literally about to have us end up in jail. Marlene and my uncle are about to yell at me like never before.

"I told you, we were going to get arrested," I whispered towards them.

"We're just having some fun, sir. That's our brother in there," said Fred in a very polite tone.

"Yes, it's just some friendly sibling rivalry," I added.

"Nothing harmful," finished George.

"Well, be that as it may, you three are under arrest," said the man. "Put your hands up."

"Should I let Percy out," I whispered towards the twins.

"No, no, let him be."

"HELP! LET ME OUT OF HERE!" yelled Percy's voice from behind the door. "I CAN'T BREATHE!"

"Oh, come on, he really chooses the worse timing to yell," I said looking behind at the door. "And he's being dramatic, there's still oxygen in there-"


The police officers took out what looked like tasers and we all raised our hands quickly.

"Hey, hey, calm down!" yelled George as I looked around for something to help us escape.

They had a little buggy and I signaled the twins to see it. They both nodded and I smiled.

"Officers, I have to get him out," I said, "can I do that first so he doesn't suffocate and die?"

One of the officers nodded and I turned towards the pyramid and unlocked it before I used a spell for wind and blew sand into their faces.

"RUN!" I screamed.

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