A Giant Troll

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Let's get into it!

First Person POV - Y/n

"With legendary blood on the team, definitely."

"Wingardium Leviosa!" yelled Ron. 

It had been two months since term started and my first month of magical school had been going well. Harry and I trained every week and learned the ropes of the Quidditch team and I even got to bond with Angelina and Katie. 

I was also getting better at magic, although my eyes and tattoo only seemed to glow when I was near Defense Against the Dark Arts but I just figured it was sort of a warning because we were learning about the Dark Arts. 

Potions was still miserable but my other classes like Transfiguration, Flying, and Charms made it bearable. 

Well, mostly bearable.

"I say Ron's going to track first," I reasoned and Harry shook his head, "No, listen, Ron is hot-headed. I've known him for about two months now and he's already gotten mad over a dozen times."

We were taught the levitation charm which I had gotten and was helping Harry with while Hermione was helping Ron. 

Well, trying to help. They seemed to argue more than actually work. 

"Yes, but Hermione is too smart to put up with Ron's idiocy," said Harry and I shook my head. "I'm right, Y/n."

"I think you're wrong."

"Well, I think you're wrong," replied Harry. 


"You're on. Five galleons that Hermione cracks."

"Ten galleons that Ron cracks."

"I'll up mine to fifteen then," replied Harry and I smiled. 

"Twenty," I said and Harry and I shook hands, "Please Ron, yell."

We both leaned over the desk and listened to their conversation. 

"Wingardium Leviosa!!!" said Ron as he aggressively waved his wand up and down. 

"No! Stop!" Hermoine said, "You're going to take someone's eye out! Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's leviOsa, not leviosAR."

"FINE HERMIONE! You do it then if you're so clever," Ron yelled at Hermione and I punched the air.

Hermione immediately stiffened up and picked up her wand. She turned towards the feather, and said the incantation, causing the feather to float up into the air. 

"Pay up, princess," said Harry and I gave him a look. 

"What, no you pay up," I retaliated confused. "Ron cracked first, he yelled "FINE! HERMIONE! remember."

"Yes, but before that, Hermione told him to stop before he took an eye out, technically that is also cracking," said Harry and I cursed him off. "Hey, language."

"Shut up," I said taking out twenty galleons, "Here, take your stupid money."

"Thank you, princess."

"Should've pushed you off the boat," I mumbled to myself and Harry gave me a concerned look. "I mean it."

"I don't doubt it," replied Harry, "Come on, class is over."

We packed up our stuff and joined Ron and Hermione before we walked out. Hermione told me she had left something back at the classroom and told us to go ahead. 

"It's Leviosa, not Leviosar," said Ron once she was gone, "Honestly, she's a nightmare."

"Come on, Ron," I said slightly annoyed, "She was trying to help you."

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