Sacrifice Himself

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Hi!! Sorry for not updating in a while. 

Let's get into it!

First Person POV - Y/n

Hermione had been right. For the next few months, life continued on in a weird state of normal. The cloaked figure never appeared again. We continued to learn.

I also saw less of my uncle since he didn't come for Christmas but I had gotten a letter from him about how as an Auror, he had to go on some mission to France.

For security reasons, I couldn't know what but he said he would be back in a few months before term ended. That was relieving since I was technically homeless once I left Hogwarts.

We didn't earn 200 points back but we earned a decent amount. However, we were still not in the lead.

I focused more on learning and pranking of course. Fred, George, and I finally finished planning our big end-of-the-year finale for pranks which was to place 300 dung bombs all over the school to torture Filch.

We were going to help us plant a Dungbomb in every single corner, classroom, and cupboard in this castle. Since we all had brooms, we could get around easily.

When execution day came, I planted most of the bombs I had gotten in Filch's room just to torture him before returning to the Great Hall where Fred and George were.

"Alright, Y/n, the spell is Explosara Maxima, ok. Point at that dungbomb and then yell the spell. Don't worry it won't explode, it's sort of the detonator to all the others. The moment the spell hits the dungbomb, everything else will explode and you will hear a loud BOOM! Ready?" asked Fred and I nodded.

The twins and I all pointed our wands at the dungbomb and yelled, "EXPLOSARA MAXIMA!"

A loud boom shook the castle itself and we mounted our brooms quickly. As we were about to fly away, Filch entered the Great Hall covered in an ugly green liquid.


"Actually, our names are Fred, George, and Y/n, not You," I replied smiling.

"ARGHHHHH! COME HERE!" yelled Filch running towards us.

The three of us immediately took off into the hallways which were now filled with students. We flew all the way to the Astronomy Tower and then over the black lake. We could still hear the faint yelling of Filch, screaming for us to come back, which just made us all laugh.

"That was amazing," I said as we landed in a clearing by the lake.

"Yes, yes, it was. But I wonder how Filch got that much liquid on him," said Fred.

"Oh, that's a result of moi. I put most of my dung bombs in his office. To make it worse."

"Well, then, we only have one thing to say. Welcome to the gang, Queen of Pranks."

"Queen? Really?" I asked, "That's a bit much, isn't it?"

"Of course not!" yelled Fred, "We're the Kings and we anoint you as our Queen."

I smiled at them before George said, "Ready to sneak back in?"


"Using the map," said Fred before he took out a blank map, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

The parchment seemed to shift and on top of it, emerged a large symbol and name. There were also other names in the byline.

"Messengers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs, and Fangs are proud to present The Marauder's Map," I read off, "What is-Is that Hogwarts? There's Snape, McGonagall, Dumbledore, how-Fred, George, what is this?"

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