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Guys, please bare with me, i've never written smut before so...

WARNING: contains mature content

My eyes slowly flattered open at the sunlight peeking through the blinds, a tired sigh leaving my mouth as I stretched my arms over my head.

Turning on my side, I was met with what was probably the most adorable sight in the world; Andrew was laying on the bed in a semi like fetal position, and Padfoot seemed to be nestled comfortably into his arm, the latter's back pressed against the former's chest.

Reaching out my hand, I patted Padfoot's head affectionately, receiving a low whine in return; the dog slowly opened his eyes, gaze scanning his surroundings, before yawning and closing his eyes once more.

I chuckled at our dog's demeanor and reached out to caress Andrew's unshaved cheek, smiling softly as he unconsciously leaned into my touch.

I took a moment to admire his features.

His long lashes rested on his cheeks as they fluttered in his sleep, a few freckles were showing on the bridge of his nose, pouty lips parted slightly.

Unable to resist, I leaned in and pecked his lips shortly, softly, watching as his eyes fluttered open at the sweet gesture.

He blinked sleepily a few times, and, once fully awake and aware of his surroundings, gave me a warm, sleepy smile.

"Morning, darling," he greeted.

God his morning voice was such a turn on

"Morning, sleepyhead," I teased, leaning in for and Eskimo kiss.

He laughed softly at my antics, reaching out and wrapping one of his arms around me.

"So," he started, "anything particular you'd like to do today?" He asked, folding my hand in his.

I shrugged, "how about we just stay in bed all day?" I suggested.

He gave a rough laugh in response, his arms tightening around me, "sure, why not" he conceded.

I smiled softly at him, "and that's exactly why I love you," I said, leaning even more in his embrace, pecking his lips briefly.

Andrew shook his head and laughed wholeheartedly, "well, what would you like to do?" He questioned.

I shrugged, "any ideas?" I asked him.

"Well," he started, "we could watch a movie, listen to some music, read one of the million books you brought here..." he suggested.

I pondered the options in my head, before giving a slight smirk.

I squirmed out of Andrew's arms, sitting up straight on the bed; before he even had the chance to ask me what I was doing, I was straddling his lap, my hands on his chest, and legs on either side of his waist.

I leaned down to his hear and whisper lowly, "if you get Padfoot out of bed, I might just have the perfect idea of how we could spend our time here today".

Guess it's needless to say that the dog was out of the bed in mere seconds.


"Now," Andrew said as he got back into bed with me after closing the bedroom door, "what did you have in mind?" He asked, laying down on his side of the bed.

I climbed onto his lap and raked my fingers through his bed head, "how about we do something a bit different?" I asked slowly.

At this Andrew sat up against the headboard, "like what?" He asked, his hand kneading my hips.

Andrew Garfield one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now