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Hi I hope request aren't closed I have a request a one where the reader dyes her hair blonde along with Andrew because he was slightly upset and the media goes crazy(in a good way though and also cause they dont expect it)and they have a good laugh about it

Andrew's pov

I was currently laying on the couch watching some old episodes of RuPaul, my dog spread out on my legs, most certainly craving attention.

I heard the lock of the apartment jingling and soon the door opened, "hey darling," I greeted without looking up from the tv.

"Hey Drew," she answered, "what are you doing?" She questioned as she sat down on the couch beside our dog, taking my legs and pulling them so that they were lying on her lap.

I shrugged, "entertaining myself," I mumbled, my eyes closing as a sigh slipped from my lips.

She chuckled, her hands rubbing my feet gently, "shouldn't you be on set?" She questioned softly.

I shrugged, "both Maya and Nat are sick, today's break day," I informed as I closed my eyes.

She hummed softly in response, her fingers reaching up to run gently through my hair, "you look extremely pretty today," she whispered.

She leaned in and kissed my cheek, my eyes still closed, "yeah, sure," I snorted.

She sighed, "you really don't like how the blonde looks on you, do you?" She questioned.

I shrugged, "I look like an idiot."

She kissed the corner of my lips softly, "that's not true," she assured, "sure, you look different than usual, but that doesn't mean you look bad, in fact, I think you look great anyway."

I sighed, "listen, I'm sorry, but I'm not in the mood for this and I really don't want to be rude to you cause all you've done is try and comfort me," I whispered, "can we please talk about something else?"

I felt her hand grab mine and squeeze gently, "only if you look at me first," she whispered.

I furrowed my brows and opened my eyes, looking at her for the first time since she had come home.

I gasped in surprise as I saw her usual dark hair now blonde, "what—" I stuttered, "what happened? What did you do?"

Her face fell slightly, but she tried to hide it, "yeah, I thought you wouldn't like it," she chuckled, "um— I guess I just wanted to make you feel better, you know?" She shrugged, "I thought that maybe if I dyed my hair like yours you'd feel less alone, like—" she stuttered, "you know what? Never mind, it was stupid, I shouldn't have done that, it's probably making you fell worse, I'll just—" she rambled.

"Wait no—," I interrupted, "it's not that, you just caught me by surprise, that's all," I assured, my hands grabbing hers once more and squeezing softly, "I'm sorry if it came off as rude, that was not my intention," I assured her, "I'm sorry, it caught me off guard, that's all, I love it though," I whispered, "you look absolutely stunning."

She smiled softly at me, "you really think? You're not just saying it not to make me feel bad?"

I shook my head, "promise," I smiled, "thank you for doing this," I kissed her gently, "I love you so much."

She grinned and wrapped her arms around my neck, "I love you too."

Andrew Garfield one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now