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Andrew x asexual reader 

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Andrew x asexual reader 

I smiled up at Andrew as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head and slid in bed next to me.

He pulled the covers up over the both of us and tugged me to lay down basically on top of him, my leg thrown over his waist, my head resting on his chest, bare from the lack of a t-shirt; I never really understood why, but I had always loved Andrew's body warmth almost as much as I loved him, and I loved felling his warm, soft skin under my palms and cheeks whenever we'd cuddle or simply sleep cuddled up with one another.

I kissed his bare collarbone softly and grasped his hand in mine, bringing it to my lips and kissing the golden band on his finger, "I can't believe we're finally married," I mumbled, "I have wanted to marry you for so long that now that it has actually happened it feels almost surreal," I chuckled softly.

Andrew smiled and kissed me softly, "I know," he whispered fondly, "I love you."

I kissed him again, "I love you too."

Andrew wrapped his arms tighter around me, "would you like some tea darling?" He questioned, his soft lips brushing against the skin of my cheek, "or do you want to just cuddle and go to bed?" He asked as he played with my hair.

And here comes the guilt and the usual feeling of not enoughness.

Upon my silence, Andrew rubbed his hand up and down my arm gently, "what's wrong darling?"

I shook my head, "nothing," I mumbled, "I'm sorry," I shook my head.

Andrew looked at me with his head tilted sideways, "what are you sorry for darling?" He asked gently.

I groaned, "this is our wedding night!" I sighed in frustration, "every couple has the best sex they've ever had on their wedding night and we're here cuddling under the covers just cause I can't suck it up and just have sex with my husband!" I exclaimed.

I could feel my eyes starting to sting sharply with unshed tears.

Andrew grabbed my face and made me look at him, "stop it," he said, his voice stern, "you do not have to "suck it up and just have sex with me", I told you before, I don't mind, it's your sexuality, you can't change it and you can't control it," he kissed my forehead gently, "I don't care what other couples do, I'm perfectly content with just laying here in bed with my beautiful wife, under the covers, wearing silly matching pjs, and being sickeningly cute for as long as we want."

I stayed silent once more, Andrew's words doing little to comfort me, "darling," Andrew whispered as he gently grabbed a hold of my chin and made me look up at him, "please stop blaming yourself for something you have no control over," he kissed my forehead gently, "you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you are my entire life, the woman I plan to spend the rest of my life with, the woman I want to build a family with."

"I can't," I chocked out, "I can't have sex with you, I'm sorry," there was no stopping of my tears now, "I want to be able to satisfy you, to make you feel good, to be able to give you the same feelings you give me every moment of the day, and I've tried," I sat up, my head in my hands, "I've tried to imagine how it would be if we had sex, and I know that you'd be the most amazing person, that you'd be gentle and patient, but I can't, the mere thought of it disgusts me, I'm sorry," my voice cracked and soft sobs started wracking my body.

Andrew sat up as well and took me in his strong arms, caressing my hair and kissing my head repeatedly, "please stop," he whispered, "stop blaming yourself," his voice was soft, careful, "I love you, and I love you for how amazing and sweet you are, for your delicacy and witty remarks, for your kind heart and your caring nature," he grasped my face gently in his hands, "don't get me wrong, I love your body, but your body is not why I love you," he brushed away my tears gently, "you are beautiful, inside and out."

I looked up at him, "and you do satisfy me, sure, maybe not sexually, but I've never heard of anyone dying because of lack of sex," he chuckled softly, "I don't care about sex, you know that, all I want is you, just you," he kissed me gently, "you do give me the same feelings I give you," he assured me, "I've never felt so loved in my entire life," he sniffled softly, "you make me my favorite food when I'm sad, you prepare me a bath and rub my back when I'm stressed, you hold my hand on every red carpet cause you know I get nervous, you come to the set with me and rehearse my lines with me in my trailer when I'm anxious, and you agreed to get a dog cause you know that I don't like staying alone when you're not home."

"But it's not fair to you to give up something you like for me," I argued weakly.

Andrew smiled, "you're right, I like sex," he kissed me gently, "but I love you."

I smiled softly at him, "I'm so lucky to have you," I simpered as I crawled into his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Andrew chuckled l, "I'm the lucky one."

We stayed in that position for a few moments, before Andrew wrapped his arms tighter around me and laid us down on the bed, covering us with the blanket once more.

"Would you like some tea, my love?" Andrew whispered softly.

I shook my head, "no," I looked up at him, my chin resting on his pec, "can we just cuddle and go to sleep please?" I whispered.

Andrew nodded, "of course," he kissed my head gently, "I know crying always tires you out."

I smiled and hugged him tightly, resting my head back down comfortably on his chest, inhaling his natural scent.

"I love you," Andrew whispered, "my beautiful, beautiful wife," he pressed a soft kiss to my forehead and an even softer one to my lips.

I reluctantly pulled away and smiled up at him, "I love you too Drew."

please he's so cute 

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please he's so cute 

A/N: What do you guys think?

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