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Hi, i don't know if you are taking anymore requests but if you are i would i like to make one. I really enjoy reading Andrew Garfield book, it makes me smile. I was wondering if you can make one where Andrew and the reader go on a blind date. Everything goes well and have a happy ending.

Hope you'll like it <3

Hope you'll like it <3

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Andrew's pov

This was a bad idea.

This was a horrible idea.

I can't believe I let Ellie convince me to do this.

She had decided to set me up with one of her friends, one I had never met before; a blind date.

I snorted; a 39 year old man on a blind date.

I was sitting at a bar table, another choice of Eleanor, waiting for my date to arrive; my phone, which was resting screen up on the table, buzzed, and I looked over to see a text from Ellie.

Please be nice to her, she has had bad experiences with guys before, and she's very nervous to meet you, she's a great fan.

I sighed softly and rubbed my forehead.

Fine, I promise I'll be nice.

Define bad experiences.

I waited for an answer as I toyed with the gold chain around my neck; my phone buzzed again and I furrowed my brows at the text in front of me.

It's not my story to tell, just know that she'll probably be a little hesitant in sharing some things, she's a very private person, but I'm sure that if you make the first move and break the ice everything will go smoothly😉

Before I had time to answer, a cold hand touched my shoulder; I turned around and saw a beautiful woman greeting me with a dazzling smile.

"Hi," she whispered, "I'm y/n," she smiled again as she held her hand out to me.

I took it in my own and shook it softly, "I'm Andrew," I smiled, "please, have a seat," I said as I gestured to the empty chair in front of me.

She smiled and sat down, resting her coat over the back of her chair.

We sat in silence for a moment, before I remembered what Ellie had told me before; break the ice.

I cleared my throat, "shall we order something?"

She nodded, "sure," she smiled.

I lifted a hand to call a waiter over; a short boy with dark hair and green eyes arrived at our table.

"You guys ready to order?"

I nodded, "I'd like a hot chocolate please."

Y/n cleared her throat awkwardly, "I'd like some tea please," she whispered, "thank you."

Andrew Garfield one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now