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Andrew's pov

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Andrew's pov

I woke up in a startle to the sound of a soft cry coming from my left; I sat up on the bed and notice that my girlfriend had already beat me to it, and was gently taking out our newborn from her crib.

Despite what many parents might say, we had decided from the very beginning that we didn't want to use Lynn's own bedroom from the start, but that we wanted to use the "next to me" crib instead, so that we could take care of her more easily throughout the night.

I switched on the beside lamp on my nightstand and turned back around to face my girlfriend and my daughter, "hey," I whispered softly, hoping not to upset Lynn any further, "does she need to get changed?" I asked.

Y/n shook her head, "no, I think she's hungry," she whispered back to me, "you can go back to bed Drew, I got this."

I shook my head and moved closer to them, "no, that wouldn't be fair, I'll keep you company," I assured her.

She sighed softly and tried to unbutton her night shirt with one hand while holding Lynn with the other.

"Here," I whispered as I unbuttoned it for her, tucking the sides of the shirt behind her back.

She smiled up at me, "thank you," she whispered, "could you hold her pacifier while I feed her please?" She questioned softly.

I nodded instantly, "of course."

I slowly grabbed a hold of the pacifier and tugged it delicately from Lynn's mouth.

I grabbed the small cotton towel from my beside table and laid it on y/n's shoulder.

Lynn started fussing and waving her tiny fist around, "hey, no, no, no," y/n whispered, "shh, there you go baby," she said as she pulled her close to her chest.

The reaction was almost immediate.

Lynn stopped fussing and attached her lips to y/n's left nipple, closing her eyes softly, her tiny hand resting against her mom's chest.

As Lynn ate, I scooted closer to them and wrapped my arm around my girlfriend's shoulders, "does it still hurt?" I questioned.

She looked up at me, "does what hurt?"

I gestured to where Lynn was eating, "breastfeeding," I clarified.

"Oh," she nodded understandingly, "well, I guess it doesn't that much anymore," she shrugged, "by this point I'm used to it, it's more of a discomfort rather than a pain."

I nodded.

Y/n sighed softly and looked down at Lynn, biting her bottom lip slightly, in a way that told me something was wrong.

"Hey," I whispered as I pressed my lips to her temple, "what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" I mumbled in her ear.

She shrugged one shoulder, "nothing, just tired," she answered.

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