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A/N: Andrew Garfield's spandex clad buttocks, I am so so sorry, I'm a terrible person, good Jesus this request was sent to me on January 24th☠️I'm so sorry

I've been trying to catch up with requests so that's what I'm working with lately, sorry again for the delay 🥲


Y/n's pov

Laying down in bed and staring at the ceiling my ears perked up at the sound of Andrew's footsteps coming up the stairs.

His knuckles gently made contact with the already open bedroom door, "hey baby," he whispered, "are you still sleeping?"

I shook my head, "I'm awake."

As I turned to look at him Andrew slipped his jacket off, throwing it onto the desk chair, ""how come you're still in bed?" He questioned softly as he moved towards the bed, sitting down next to me and resting his hand on my cheek, "I thought you wanted to take a shower, are you feeling alright?"

I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning into his touch, "I did want to take a shower," I mumbled, "I just—I don't know I guess I just don't have the energy to."

Andrew nodded and moved to lay down next to me, "no energy to shower on no energy in general?" He asked as his fingers gently ran up and down my arm.

I shrugged, "both," I sighed again, "I feel off, that's all."

Andrew leaned in and pressed a kiss to my temple, "how about we take a nice, hot bath together, how does that sound?" He whispered in my hair as his lips brushed against my earlobe, "that way you can relax a little and I'll still be there with you, then when we get out I can braid your hair, just the way you like it, we can have some tea," he suggested, "after that if you want we can go out with the dog and take a walk, or we can just stay home and lay down all day, it's completely up to you, just tell me what you'd like to do and I'll do it."

I pondered the offer in my head before nodding softly, "yeah, I'd like that," I whispered as I laid my hand on his shaved cheek, "thank you."

Andrew smiled down at me and pressed a soft kiss to the palm of my hand, "anytime love, it's no problem really, no need to thank me," he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead, "il go get the bath started," he kissed my lips one last time and then he was off.


"Baby," Andrew whispered, gently shaking my shoulders, " I think someone was tired," he chuckled.

I groaned and snuggled into my boyfriend's side as he played gently with my hair, "how long was I out?"

Andrew smiled down at me, "only for about fifteen minutes," he assured, "come on, let's get you in the tub."

I let him pull me up from the bed as he walked me towards the bathroom, our hands intertwined.

"I put in the water those bath salts you like," Andrew whispered in my ear, his hands caressing my shoulders, "want some help with these?" He questioned as he kissed the side of my neck gently, his lips warm and soft against my skin, his hands moving to the hem of my sweater.

I turned around and lifted my arms up, feeling the sweater slide over my head as Andrew pulled it off of me, his arms circling my waist as he undid my jeans, his lips working along my collarbone.

One of his hands slipped down my pants and underwear, grasping at the skin of my ass, "is that what you meant by relaxing?"I questioned breathily as my clothes thumped on the floor as they pooled at my ankles.

I stepped out of them as Andrew started unbuttoning his shirt, "not really, no," he shrugged, sliding the sleeves of his shirt down his arms, his muscles flexing as he did, "but some kisses and nibbles never killed anyone, now did they?"

I shook my head as I helped him remove his pants, "I don't think so, no," I shrugged, "plus I really don't mind it."

Andrew smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist once he, too, was free of any clothes, "great," he kissed the corner of my lips gently, his hands moving along my sides, "wanna get in?"

I nodded, "sure."

Andrew held his hand out to me and I took it, expecting him to guide me into the water; what I wasn't expecting, however, was for him to pick me up bridal stile and lower me into the bath instead.

I let out a screech, "Jesus Andrew," I breathed out, my arms tight around his neck, "maybe give me a little warning next time, yeah?"

Andrew chuckled as he let me in the tub, "sorry love," he kissed my head gently, "scoot over."

I did as told, moving forward in the bathtub to let Andrew get in behind me.

As soon as he was in the water he wrapped his arms around me, his fingertips stroking the skin of my ribs gently, moving up towards my boobs slowly, his lips warm against my jaw.

I leaned back into his body, relishing in the warmth of both him and the water, "do you ever think about having kids?" I questioned randomly.

I felt Andrew nod against the skin of the crook of my neck, "all the time," he kissed my shoulder gently, "do you?"

I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder, my fingers playing with the chain around his neck, "I do," I assured him, "I would really love to have kids, even right this second, but I'm just not sure I would be a good mom," I shrugged, "I know for certain that you'd be the most amazing dad ever, but I'm not sure about me."

Andrew caressed my side gently, "it's that what's on your mind?" He questioned.

I nodded.

Andrew sighed softly against my neck, "darling," he whispered, "I can't quite change that idea of yours, but I can try to help you realize that, even if your feelings are completely valid, you don't need to worry about this," he pressed a gentle kiss to my shoulder, "I've seen you with kids, you know, with the twins, and with Emma's baby, with every kid that stops us on the street because they're so stoked they're meeting Spider-Man," he chuckled softly, "you're a natural," he shrugged, "but even if you weren't, no one is born a parent," he assured me, "some things, you learn them with time," he whispered, "to be a parent you need a lot of things, but what you need more than anything is to be sure to be able to love your kids unconditionally, no matter what, and your worry itself is proof of the fact that you'd be an amazing mom."

I smiled up at him and kissed him softly on the lips, "I love you, you know that?"

Andrew chuckled, "I had a feeling, yes," he laughed, "I love you too."

As Andrew started peppering kisses on my collarbone he picked up a loofah and started leathering my body delicately, "you know," he whispered in my ear, his fingers brushing against my arm, "I'm in no rush whatsoever," he moved on to the other arm, "we surely could spend some time just practicing," he laughed as I hit him gently on the chest.

After his laughter died down Andrew kept washing my body gently, delicately, his fingertips stroking along my skin softly.

"You know," I murmured, "no one's ever taken care of me the way you do," I confessed, "I don't think anyone's ever loved me as much as you do."

Andrew sighed softly, his lips warm against my jaw, "and I can't quite express how terribly sorry I am for that," he whispered, "I know your past wasn't the best, and I know you were born into a family that doesn't always appreciate you," he stroked my side gently, "but that has changed," he assured me, "now you have me, and I don't plan on doing anything but taking care of you for the rest of my life," he smiled, "one day we'll have our own kids, and they're gonna love you as much as I do if not more, cause you'll be the most amazing mom on the planet, we'll make our own family and I promise you I won't stop until you feel like the most loved person on earth."

I smiled and sniffled slightly, "I already do feel like that," I whispered, "I have you, I could be any luckier and I highly doubt I could feel any more loved than this."

A/N: what do you guys think?

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