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This one shot was a request.

PeterParker x Gwen Stacy x Reader


In which a student sees Peter kissing y/n during first period and then sees him kissing Gwen in the one after

The student thinks Peter is cheating and so tries to expose him by posting about it on the school website

That's how Peter, Gwen and reader come out to the school as a polyamorous couple during lunch break in the cafeteria.


Who cares what they think?



The bell that signaled the end of the first period rang, Peter turning towards me with a smile painted on his face, "I'm sorry, I have to go, if I'm late again mister Smith is gonna have my head served on a platter," he joked as he leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to my lips and humming in delight when I scratched gently behind his ear; Peter was worse than a golden retriever when it came to cuddles.

I slowly pulled away as Peter pouted slightly, "I love you," he whispered as he pressed one more kiss to the tip of my nose, "I'll see you later."

I smiled at him and waved, "I love you too."


"Hey love," Peter greeted Gwen as he sat beside her in chemistry class, "how are you?" He questioned.

Gwen beamed up at him, "I'm great," she smiled, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips, "how's y/n?"

Peter smiled and shrugged, "she's fine, tired though," he sighed, "she stayed up all night reading. Again," he chuckled, shaking his head.

Gwen smiled, "nothing can stop her from reading her weird fantasy books."


"Gwen, Pete!" I called out as I jogged towards them, sitting down on the bleachers next to them.

"Hey love," Peter smiled, pressing a kiss to my lips.

"Hey baby," Gwen greeted, pressing yet another kiss to my lips, "what's going on, you look outraged?"

"Look at this!" I shrieked, pulling out my phone and showing them an article on the school website, "someone wrote that Peter is cheating!"

Peter furrowed his brows, "cheating?"

I nodded, "someone saw you kiss me and then kiss Gwen," I explained, "they're spreading word that you're cheating on me," I huffed, "that is so stupid, Gwen and I kiss all the time in public, how the hell do they not know that we're in a poly relationship?"

Peter shrugged, his arm wrapping around my shoulders and rubbing my arm soothingly, "who cares what they think," he pressed a kiss to my cheek, "I love you, I love Gwen, Gwen loves us and you guys love each other," he held me closer to his warm body, "what's wrong with loving who you want?" He shrugged.

Gwen laid her head down onto my lap, her fingers playing with Peter's rings, "Pete's right," she smiled, "plus, o have an idea on how to make them realize that we all are a couple."


I smiled as I reached Peter and Gwen at the table at the cafeteria, the both of them chatting and laughing.

When I arrived in front of them they both smiled up at me, and Peter wrapped his arms around me, bringing me down onto his lap.

I chuckled at the action and kissed his lips softly, "someone missed me," I laughed gently.

Peter shrugged as a reddish ting stained his cheeks.

Gwen tapped my arm, making me turn around, only to press a long, lingering kiss to my lips, her tongue swiping over my bottom lip, "for the record," she grinned mischievously as she pulled away slowly, "I missed you more."

I laughed softly and leaned back into Peter as he wrapped his arms around my waist and flicked Gwen on the forehead when she tried to pull me off of him, "no," he whined, his lips forming into a pout, "it's not fair, you girls are always together, and you and I have a shit ton of classes together," he huffed at Gwen, "this is my Y/n/n time, I'm not letting go of her," he stated as he buried his head in the crook of my neck, "she's so warm and soft."

I shook my head as I smiled fondly, "aw," I cooed, turning my gaze towards Gwen and tapping the top of her nose, "our own little golden retriever."

"Hey!" Peter complained from his place in my neck.

I laughed as Gwen shrugged and kissed Peter's nose softly, I'm sorry baby, but it's true," she chuckled.

Peter groaned, "I'm gonna call May, I'll tell her my girls are being mean to me."

Gwen laughed as I ruffled Peter's hair affectionately, "as of she would believe you."

Peter grumbled something before he peeked up at us from under my sweater, "can you girl stay at my house tonight?" He questioned, his gaze dropping to the floor in embarrassment, "I feel lonely."

Gwen and I shared a worried glance before I spoke up, "are you having your nightmares again baby?" I questioned gently, my hands rubbing up and down his arm gently.

Peter nodded and Gwen cooed, moving forward and wrapping her arms around both of us, "of course we can baby," she assured him.

I nodded, "you never have to be afraid to ask sweetie, we both love you so much Pete," I smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

Peter hugged us tighter and smiled softly, "I love you both too."

Needless to say no one at school ever thought Peter was cheating anymore.

A/N: What do you guys think? 

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