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For Andrew could you do one where the reader hasn't seen Andrew in a while cause of him being away filming and she flies over and surprises him on set by scaring him and his cast mates


Hope you'll like it <3

I walked through the set silently, sneaking behind the cameras and holding a small bag in my hands; I waved at Zendaya, who was currently filming a scene with Andrew, and she grinned back at me, winking subtly when Andrew looked away

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I walked through the set silently, sneaking behind the cameras and holding a small bag in my hands; I waved at Zendaya, who was currently filming a scene with Andrew, and she grinned back at me, winking subtly when Andrew looked away.

Andrew and I had not seen each other for almost six months now, and it was becoming unbearable for me, so I just decided I would get a week off as soon as possible to fly over to LA and surprise him.

I tiptoed around the set till Andrew's back was right in front of my face; damn him and his tall frame.

Z smirked and nudged Andrew's shoulder, "hey Smith," she called him in his character's name, to not make him suspicious, "I think that someone might be looking for you," she grinned, "you should probably turn around."

Andrew made a confused sound and turned around, "what—" his question got caught in his throat as he saw me.

He stared down at me for what felt like minutes, even though I knew it probably was just mere seconds, before he grinned and wrapped his arms around me, lifting me off my feet and spinning me around, letting out a shout of joy.

I smiled and let my happy tears spill onto the skin of his neck, "hi Drew," my voice cracked slightly, "surprise."

Andrew chuckled and set me down onto my feet, though without unwrapping his arms from around me.

"Bloody hell," he breathed out, his British accent seeping through his voice, contrary to the American accent he had to use while filming the scene, "I missed you so much," he kissed my head gently, his lips lingering against my forehead, "I can't believe you're actually here," he whispered, "you scared the shit out of me," he chuckled.

I smiled up at him and pressed a small kiss to his soft lips, "I missed you too."

Zendaya clapped her hands and wiped a fake tear off her face, "incredibly moving," she sighed dreamily.

Max, Andrew's director, reached us as well and chuckled, patting Andrew on the back, "you have the rest of the day free, man," he grinned, "have fun."

Z smirked, "but not too much fun," she slapped the back of Andrew's head.

Andrew rolled his eyes and intertwined our hands, "let's go darling," he pressed a kiss to the back of my hand, "bye guys!" He called.

I waved, "bye," I repeated.

Z's voice boomed through the set as we moved to the exit, "use protection!" She yelled.

Andrew just flipped her off as I laughed loudly.


"I still can't believe you're here," Andrew whispered in my ear as he played with my hair gently.

We were now laying down on his bed, with him dressed in nothing but his boxers and me wearing one of his t-shirts, which basically looked like a dress on me, again, damn him and his tall frame.

I smiled and leaned my head on his bare chest, my ear pressed against his pec, his heartbeat playing comfortingly against my skin, almost lulling me to sleep.

"I love you," I pressed my lips to his and kissed him passionately, his tongue massaging against mine, his lips fitting with mine like two missing pieces of a puzzle.

I pulled away and chuckled, "I have a surprise for you," I smiled as I reached over and grabbed the small bag I had brought with me, "here," I grinned as I handed him the bag.

Andrew smiled and grabbed it, opening it gently, being careful not to tear the paper bag with a Spider-Man drawing on its top.

I smiled encouragingly at him and he smiled back, opening the small box inside.

He frowned as he took out a pair of tiny shoes, "what—" he chocked out, "are you pregnant?" He whispered, his eyes swimming with tears.

"Aw," I cooed, leaning in and pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose, "baby, I haven't seen you in six months, I think you'd notice if I was pregnant by now," I chuckled.

Andrew tilted his head to the side, "then what does this mean?"

I cleared my throat, "well," I scooted closer to him, "there might be more than one reason as to why I'm here..." I trailed off.

Andrew smiled at me encouragingly, and I took a deep breath.

"I want to have a baby with you," I slowly grasped his hands in mine, "I've been thinking about it for so long, from before you even left to come here, but now it's just become an unbearable desire, and I just needed to share this with you," I exhaled slowly, "so," I squeezed his hands gently, "what do you say?"

Andrew looked up at me and a huge grin slowly spread across his face; he let go of my hands and grabbed my face gently in his huge palms, caressing my cheeks delicately before he pressed his lips hard to mine, his tongue swiping over my bottom lip, his lips molding perfectly with mine, "absolutely fucking yes," he mumbled, "I want to have a baby with you," he smiled, "in fact," he whispered as he started pressing kiss after kiss to my face, "I've been thinking about it for almost as long as you have," he rubbed his nose gently against mine, "I just didn't want to push you to do something that you didn't want to do," he whispered, "I didn't want to force you, or make you feel like you had to because I wanted to," he shrugged.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, "I love you," I whispered in his ear, "so freaking much."

Andrew chuckled and wrapped his own arms around me, "I love you too," he pressed a kiss to the top of my head, "so freaking much."

I grinned up at him, "would you like to start trying now?"

Andrew smirked, "hell yeah," he whispered as he moved to over me, leaning his weight on his elbows, "you don't have to ask me twice..."

pt.2 spicy??

A/N: What do you guys think?

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A/N: What do you guys think?

Andrew Garfield one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now