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"Hello mister Garfield," I smiled as the handsome man opened the door, "how are you doing today?"

He smiled and waved me inside the house, "I'm good, thank you, Lynn is still sleeping," he informed, "yesterday she was being a bit whiny, I'm not sure as to why, but I struggled a bit to get her into bed," he confessed, "she's bathed and she already took her vitamins yesterday evening," he smiled at me once more, "and please, call me Andrew, mr Garfield is my father," he chuckled, "I told you this already, you don't need to call me that, I have a daughter but I'm not Jurassic."

I smiled at him softly, "got it," I gave him a thumbs up, "I'll shoot you a text when she's up so that you can have a peaceful day at work without worrying."

Andrew grinned and grabbed his keys off the kitchen counter, "thank you so much, there's 60 bucks on the table if you need, you know, if she wants ice cream, a book, shopping, whatever..." he trailed off, "I know it may seem like I'm spoiling her too much, but I just want her to have anything her little heart may desire," he shrugged.

I nodded in understanding, "I get it, I would spoil my kid too if I had the chance one day," I smiled at him, " have a good day at work."

Andrew smiled and moved towards the door, "thank you, hope you have a good day as well, call if you need anything."

I heaved a sigh of relief as he closed the door; this man is way more attractive than it should be allowed.

I took off my shoes and put my hair up in a ponytail before moving up the stairs and towards little Lynn's bedroom.

I opened the slightly ajar door and smiled at the sight before me; the sweetest three year old toddler in the entire world was laying down in her big girl bed, her favorite teddy bear held tightly in her arms.

I tiptoed to her bed and crouched down next to her, caressing her face gently, "hello baby," I whispered as her eyes tiredly opened, "did you sleep well?" I questioned softly.

She looked at me for a second, "where's daddy?" She questioned.

I smiled at her, "daddy already went to work, but he says good morning and hopes you have a great day," I pressed a kiss to her forehead, frowning when I felt the heat coming from her skin.

"I want daddy," she whined softly.

I sighed and picked her up, setting her on my hip as I moved to the bathroom.

"Okay baby," I whispered as I set her down on the floor, "go pee, I'll prepare your toothbrush."

Lynn nodded and did as told; once she was done I helped her wipe and then washed my hands before picking her up once more and setting her on the bathroom counter, "open up baby," I smiled as she let me brush her teeth gently.

Once that was done I let her rinse her mouth and picked her up once more, bringing her to the kitchen and setting her down at the table, "what would you like for breakfast?"

Lynn shook her head, "I'm not hungry," she shrugged.

I frowned, "are you sure?"

Lynn nodded, "can I go lay down please?" She questioned tiredly.

I nodded and helped her down her stool, "of course," I assured as I led her to the couch, laying her down and draping a blanket over her, "what do you want to watch?" I questioned as I brushed the bangs out of her face.

"SpongeBob," she exclaimed.

I chuckled and turned the tv on, logging in on Netflix and pressing play on her favorite cartoon, "there you go baby."

Andrew Garfield one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now