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Request: Andrew and reader are arguing but she gets an allergy/asthma attack and Andrew drops everything tu help her through it

Pretty short image

A/n: this request was actually were nice to write, as I'm current I struggling with allergies and asthma, now more than ever in life and I can't go anywhere without my inhaler.

Next story is gonna be a Remus Lupin one


"Jesus Christ y/n," Andrew snapped, "stop being so fucking jealous, you're suffocating me!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.

I went to answer before my breath was knocked out of me, my throat closing painfully; I inhaled deeply and rubbed my temples slightly, "I'm sorry," I apologized, "that's not— that's not what I meant," I gasped softly, "she was just—" I tugged at the collar of my hoodie, "all over—you," I breathed out.

Andrew looked at me worriedly and stepped closer, "are you alright?"

"Fine," I nodded, "just need— to —sit down," I gasped once more as I dropped unceremoniously onto the couch.

"Jesus," Andrew breathed out, crouched down onto his knees in front of me in a matter of seconds, "you're not okay," he whispered, "what's going on, is it a panic attack, an asthma attack or and allergy attack?" He rushed out.

I closed my eyes and grasped onto the arm of the couch, "asthma," I mumbled, "can you— my inhaler, please."

Andre nodded, "of course, where is it?"

I threw my arm out and pointed towards the kitchen, "counter," I whispered as I watched him sprint towards the kitchen, grabbing my inhaler before rushing back to me.

"There you go," he whispered as he handed me my inhaler, grasping onto my hand, as I calmed down after inhaling, "you're okay," he assured.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, "I know I was acting childishly, but you are such and attractive man," I took a deep breath to regain my composure, "I know you'd never cheat, but seeing that girl all over you just made my blood boil," I admitted, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel suffocated."

Andrew shook his head and held my hand tighter, "no, don't apologize, I should be the one apologizing," he sighed softly, "I'm sorry, I'm just having a hard time at work, but that's no excuse to take it out on you," he looked up at me and smiled, "can I hug you?" He questioned softly.

I nodded, feeing his arms warp around me in a matter of seconds, "I love you," I whispered into his curly hair.

I could feel Andrew's lips curl up in a grin against my skin, "I love you darling, so so much."

A/N: what do you guys think?

sorry, told you it was short😂

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