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Andrew's pov

"Who needs a bath?" I questioned in my baby voice to my 7 month old little girl, "you do, yeah, because you are so so stinky," I blew a raspberry on her tummy, making her giggle happily and kick her tiny feet.

"Let's get you in the water shall we?" I whispered as I picked her up, pressing a kiss to her cheek before bringing her to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom I laid her down on her changing table and took her light green onesie off, throwing it it the hamper, "stinky, stinky feet," I mumbled as I pressed a soft kiss to one of her feet, making her giggle and huff out a laugh.

After playing with her for a few more minutes I took off her dirty diaper and put it in the trash can next to the changing table, taking off my own clothes before picking Lynn up once more and entering the bathtub.

"You ready?" I questioned as I set her down in the water, "there we go," I smiled down at her after she giggled at me happily.

Already being almost 8 months old, Lynn always wanted to play when in the water, probably thanks to the swimming lessons we had started taking with her when she was barely 4 months old, and she always wanted either me or her mommy to be in the bathtub with her so that she could actually play with us.

Lynn splashed me with some water and threw a rubber duck at me, laughing as it landed right on my nose, "hey," I smiled as I reached out and picked her up, blowing raspberries all over her face, loving the sound of her baby laugh.

"Dada!" She giggled happily.

I smiled down at her and kissed her head gently, "that's right," I whispered as I lowered her in the water once more, watching as she played happily with her toys, "I'm your dada," I said fondly as I brushed her wet hair out of her eyes.

"Come here," I whispered to my beautiful baby, "time to actually wash this stinky baby," I grinned down at her, "maybe we should have actually named you stinky."

As Lynn kept playing with her favorite blue rubber duck, I carefully and gently washed her hair, making sure not to let any water nor shampoo get in her eyes.

Lynn had started sitting up when she was about 5 months old, and, while at the beginning her seating capacity was very wobbly, now she spent most of her time sitting up, and since the water reached a bit past her belly button, just right under her armpits, there wasn't any problem with her sitting up in the tub as well.

After rinsing her hair, I picked up one of her loofahs and stared gently lathering some soap onto her chubby arms and tummy, huffing out a laugh as she refused to cooperate, instead wanting to keep playing with her toys.

"Andrew!" My wife's beaming voice came.

"Bathroom," I called back before scrunching my nose up when Lynn splashed water on me once more.

Y/n came into the bathroom and smiled down at us, "why hello," she grinned, "what are we doing?"

I smiled up at her and brushed our daughter's hair back, "bathing this stinky baby," I informed, "she got banana and apple all over herself, she smelled like fruit salad so I thought she needed a bath."

Y/n smiled down at us once more, "our messy girl," she ran her fingers gently through our daughter's hair, "she splashed you yet?"

I nodded, "a few times," I chuckled, "she's getting so big, it seems like yesterday that we brought her home for the first time," I admitted.

"I know," my wife agreed, "I still wanna eat her though."

I laughed, "yeah, me too," I smiled, "her feet are so chubby I keep counting her toes just to make sure there's only five each foot."

My wife laughed and pressed a soft kiss to my lips, and then one to our baby's head, who completely ignored her and kept playing with her toys, "how was your day?" She questioned softly.

I grinned, "she is in her messy phase," I chuckled, "everything she does turns up a mess, eating, playing, everything."

My wife nodded, "the marker stain on your face tells me you had fun," she smirked.

I scrunched my nose up, "my pain amuses you, doesn't it?"

Y/n nodded, "yep," she grinned, "but we still love our drama queen, don't we, baby?" She directed the question to our daughter, "we love dada, yeah?"

Lynn giggled and threw her arms up, splashing water over the both of us, "dada!" She exclaimed happily.

Y/n huffed, "this is so unfair," she grumbled, "I carried her for nine months, spent 18 hours in labor and then went through the worst pain imaginable to give birth to her, and she still likes you more."

I grinned up at her, "I love you," I bit my bottom lip, "we love you."

Y/n rolled her eyes, "I love you too," she chuckled as she shook her head.

God, I loved my family.

A/N: What do you guys think?

A/N: What do you guys think?

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