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Anonymous request 

Hey babe, I saw thi post on twitter a few days ago of a girl wanting to get a Pieve of cake at a bar but not being able to afford it, so Andrew buys it for her, could u write something among those lines?? Thank you so much, love ur work <3

Hope you'll like it💙

"That'll be 10.50," the cashier informed.

I smiled at her and fetched into my wallet, taking out a ten dollar bill and some cents, handing it to the nice girl who smiled back at me in return.

"Mommy," my son, Jay, tugged on my hand, "can I have a piece of that strawberry cake please?" He asked, sporting his infamous puppy eyes.

I bit my lip and looked at the girl behind the register, "I'm sorry, how much is that strawberry cake?" I questioned.

She opened up a stack of papers and checked, before turning towards us once more, "it's 5 dollars ma'am."

I bit my lip once more and turned my head to look down at my son, "can I have it mommy, please?" He pleaded.

I cleared my throat and ran my fingers through his messy hair gently, "let me check, okay baby?"

Jay nodded and grinned up at me; I opened my wallet once more and checked for a five dollar bill.

I sighed and looked up at the cashier, "do you guys accept food stamps?"

The girl's face fell slightly and she bit her bottom lip before sighing softly, "no, I'm sorry," she informed, a sad expression on her face.

I sighed and looked down at my son, crouching down and grabbing his face in my hands gently, "I'm so sorry baby, I promise that next time you can have it," I promised, my heart breaking into pieces as Jay's face morphed into one of sadness.

"So I can't have some cake? Not even a tiny tiny piece?"

I bit my lip as I tried to contain my tears at his sad expression, "I'm so sorry baby," I kissed his head gently, "I'm so sorry, but mommy can't afford it today, I promise, next time..." I trailed off.

"They'll have the cake," a man's voice spoke, "two pieces."

I looked up, seeing a man I recognized as the one and only Andrew Garfield handing a fifteen dollar bill to the girl behind the register, "keep it," he smiled as the girl tried to give him his change.

Andrew crouched down towards us, holding his hand out with a take out bag in it towards Jay, "there you go, buddy," he smiled.

Jay looked up at me, waiting for my okay to take the cake.

I looked up at Andrew and smiled, "I'm so sorry, we can't accept this," I sighed, "we can't repay you for it, but thank you anyway, we really appreciate it—,"

"No sense," he cut me off, "please, I insist," he smiled, "this little guy deserves some strawberry cake, and so do you," he looked up at me, "please, take them."

I smiled at him before turning towards Jay and nodding; he grinned up at me and threw his arms around Andrew's neck, "thank you Spider-Man!"

My eyes widened, "Jay baby, don't—" my sentence was cut off by Andrew's laugh.

"Don't worry about it," he chuckled, wrapping his own arm around my son, "it's always nice to meet a fan," he winked up at me.

Jay detached himself from Andrew and extended his tiny arms towards me; I chuckled and leaned down, picking him up and setting him on my hip.

He laid his head sideways on my shoulder and rubbed his eyes, tucking his head in the crook of my neck.

"Is he okay?" Andrew questioned in a whisper.

I nodded and kissed my son's forehead gently, "yeah, don't worry," I sighed at Andrew's worried expression, "he's a kid with... special needs."

Understanding washed over Andrew's face, "oh."

I smiled up at him, "thank you again, for the cake," I continued in a whisper, "and for being so nice to him."

Andrew nodded, "of course," he took a look around the place, "it's getting crowded in here, would you like to go for a walk?"

I pondered the offer in my head for a moment, before a small voice interrupted my thoughts, "can we mommy?"

I knew my son better than I knew myself, and right now the bar was getting too crowded for his comfort; I rubbed his back soothingly and kissed the top of his head gently, "of course we can baby," I assured him, "remember, deep breaths."

Jay nodded as we moved outside the bar, Andrew close behind, and my toddler's eyes were shut in less than a minute, asleep as soon as we were out of the shop.

Andrew cleared his throat, "can I ask you something?" He questioned as we fell into step.

I nodded my head, "sure."

Andrew hesitated before speaking, "what did you mean when you said that he had special needs?" He questioned in a whisper.

I sighed and kissed my son's head gently, "he has ADHD," I explained, "he's also autistic and had some heart problems in the past," I explained, "he was a premie, and he had three heart surgeries before he turned four months, but he can only do so much now before knocking out, his body is just a lot weaker than it should be at his age."

Andrew nodded his head, "I'm sorry I asked something so personal," he apologized.

I smiled and shook my head, "don't worry about it, you just made my son's day much better than it would have been, you can ask literally whatever you want," I chuckled.

Andrew furrowed his brows, "what about his dad?"

I sighed, "we're divorced," I explained, "he left me when Jay was born, he didn't want a kid that would take up more time than normal kids, according to his stupid ass, that is."

Andrew sucked in a breath, "I'm so sorry," he mumbled, "so you've been raising him on your own?"

I nodded, "yep," I shrugged, "my father died when I was a teenager, and my mom stopped talking to me when I didn't agree to marry her best friend's son, I don't really have time to get to know people, so that's out of the question," I looked down at my son, "he was bullied a lot at preschool, cause parents kept telling their kids to stay away from him because he was poor and weir, so I started homeschooling him," I explained, "I would get a private teacher if I could, but my bank account is dryer than my humor, so that's out of the question as well," I sighed, "I just wish there was more I could do for him."

Andrew smiled at me sympathetically, "I'm sure he's more than happy with what you do for him."

I smiled gratefully at him and held my arms tighter around my son.

Andrew dig into his jacket pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, "this is my number, call me if you need anything okay? And when I say anything I mean anything."

I smiled and nodded, reaching for his hand and taking the piece of paper, "will do."

A/N: What do you guys think? 

I promise I'm working on all the requests, it's just been a very hard time for me, I promise I'll update again as soon as I can 

Love you all, thank you so so very much for all the support, hope you're doing well ❤️

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