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Anonymous request




"I'm so sorry, I don't mean to interrupt..." Kate, my agent, trailed off as she cut me off as I was answering a question during an interview.

The interviewer huffed, "we're kinda in the middle of something," he mumbled.

Kate sighed, "again, I'm sorry, but this is really important, Andrew, you really need to take this call," she said as she handed me my phone.

I furrowed my brows and got up from the chair, "I'm sorry, give me a second," I told the interviewer.

I moved out of earshot and put the phone up to my ear, "hello?"

A woman's voice sounded on the other line, "hello sir, I'm sorry to bother you, but you are listed as miss Garfield's emergency contact," she explained.

Panic begin to set in deep in my chest, "yes, I'm her husband," I confirmed, "what's wrong, is she okay?"

"She passed out at the gym, someone called an ambulance when she wouldn't wake up," she informed, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't disclose any further information over the phone, would you be able to come here at the hospital?"

I nodded, even though I knew she couldn't see me, "yes, I'll be right there."

I hung up the phone and quickly took off my microphone, "I'm sorry everyone, I have to go," I apologized.

The interviewer scoffed, "we aren't finished!" He exclaimed.

I threw the mic on my chair, "yes we are," I said, "I'm sorry, I've already apologized, I need to go, I'm having a family emergency."

Before anyone could answer I went to move out of the room, "thanks Kate," I thanked my agent, who was holding my car keys out for me.


"Hi, I'm looking for Y/n Garfield, I'm her husband," I rushed out at the lady at the front desk.

The woman opened her mouth to speak, before getting interrupted by a doctor nearby, "mr Garfield, we were waiting for you," she greeted, "come with me, I'll bring you to your wife's room."

I followed him till the outside of a room, "what happened to her?" I questioned as I saw her laying down in the hospital bed.

The doctor sighed, "mr Garfield, have you noticed any changes in your wife's behavior lately?" He questioned.

I shook my head, "no,nothing."

The doctor sighed once more, "mr Garfield, I'm sorry to give you such bad news, but we have reason to believe your wife has been starving herself," he informed.

I stared at her with my eyes wide open, "no, that's impossible, she eats, I mean, yeah, sometimes she skips breakfast cause she doesn't like to go to the gym with a full stomach, but the rest of the day she eats," I rambled.

The doctor smiled sadly at me and put her hand on my shoulder, "most of the time people who have an eating disorder are great actors when it comes to hiding," she explained, "she probably threw up after every meal when you were either gone or somewhere else in the house," she sighed, "has she seemed reluctant to be intimate with you lately?" She questioned.

I ran my fingers through my hair, "I mean, not really," I shrugged, "we are not really a couple that has sex constantly," I confessed, "and she's always been a bit weary when it comes to physical touch, so it wasn't weird that she didn't want hugs or other kinds of stuff like this..." I trailed off.

The doctor nodded, "don't beat yourself up over this, it's rare fro those around to notice," she assured me.

I nodded and sighed, "thank you," I whispered, "can I see her?"

The doctor smiled at me, "of course, I'll be outside if you need anything."

I entered the room and sat down on the empty chair next to the bed, "oh baby," I whispered, tears gathering in my eyes, "why would you do this to yourself?" I questioned into the silent room as I closed my eyes.

"I wanted to be pretty for you," a weak voice croaked.

My eyes snapped open, "oh, thank god you're okay," I whispered in relief, my hands coming up to rest on her cheek, my thumb swiping over her bottom lip, "wait, what?" I questioned, "what do you mean you wanted to be pretty for me, honey you're the most beautiful woman on this entire planet."

"Not according to the media," she whispered brokenly.

I furrowed my brows, "baby, what are you talking about? What's going on?"

She sighed softly and leaned her head back, my hand moving to hold hers in a comforting gesture, "I lied," she whispered, "I didn't cancel every social media account just cause I didn't care about them anymore," she confessed, "I just couldn't stand the comments anymore," she sniffled, "I know I'm not the prettiest girl around, I have flaws, scars, marks and all that, but, fucking hell, people can be so freaking mean," she shook her head as a few tears slid down her pale cheeks.

I wiped them away with my thumb, "why didn't you tell me?" I questioned softly.

I knew it was basically pointless to point out how senseless those comments were, she most certainly wasn't in the right mindset for that conversation right now.

She shrugged, "I didn't want you to worry," she admitted, fidgeting with my fingers, "at first I was just skipping a few meals when you weren't home, I thought I had it under control, but I guess I didn't."

I sighed softly, "I want to help you," I whispered, leaning in and kissing her forehead gently, "but I can only do that if you'll let me."

She nodded, "I need your help," she admitted.

I nodded, "alright," I whispered, "we can start trying at home, you know, baby steps," I smiled softly, "and if we can't do it on our own, we'll find a professional to help," I assured her, "we'll get through this baby, I promise."

She nodded and pressed a soft, barely their kiss onto my lips, "I love you," she croaked out.

I chuckled softly, "I love you too baby, so so much, you don't even know how much."

A/N: What do you guys think?

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