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Anonymous request from Wattpad 

basically the setup is y/n and andrew used to be really good childhood friends and we're inseparable but the over time they separated due to where they were living and stuff like that and y/n is talking about it in an interview when she says that she does miss him but that like it's in the past and then andrew like as soon as he sees the interview rushes over to her apartment and

tells her pretty much that he's always loved her and he doesn't want to let her go and make her a thing of the past and she says the same and they kiss and it's a happy ending:)


Andrew's pov

I watched the screen of my phone intently as I rode in a taxi to get to a work meeting, my eyes scanning over y/n, her soft features, her rosy cheeks and bright eyes.

She chuckled softly and tested another piece of paper from the board, "y/n y/l/n Andrew Garfield," she read.

I watched as she sighed softly, crumpling up the piece of paper in her hands, "Andrew and I grew up in the same neighborhood, went to the same schools and stuck together till college," she shrugged, "things change, people find new friends and start hanging out with new people," she smiled, "I haven't really seen in in almost a decade, I mean, we've crossed each other at events but it was nothing more than a glance or a wave, you know?" She sighed softly once more, "I sure miss him though, especially those late night walks we used to take tighter when one of us couldn't sleep," she laughed lightly, "it was almost always me, I suffered from insomnia for the longest of times and he'd just keep me company."

I watched her through the tiny screen as she smiled sadly and shook herself lightly, "that turned sad quickly," she laughed, "alright, next question," she smiled brightly, hiding all her feelings the way she's always do around anyone but me, in front of who she's let her walks down, "y/n y/l/n dogs..." her voice trailed off as I shut my phone off.

I leaned back into the backseat as I groaned, my hand rubbing down my face, "I'm sorry," I apologized to the driver, "could we possibly change the destination? It's not that far from here."

He nodded, "sure, can you give me the address?"

I did just that, picking up my phone again and calling my agent Kate, "hey Kate, listen," I rushed out as soon as she picked up, "I'm sorry, I can't make it to the meeting, something came up—"

"You saw the interview didn't you?" She laughed softly, taking my silence as an answer in itself, "I get it Andrew, you need to clear things up with her, it's alright, just call me after you're done and give me a time to reschedule."

I smiled, even though I knew she couldn't see me, "thanks Kate, you're a lifesaver."


I knocked gently on y/n's apartment door, hearing commotion from inside.

"Coming!" She yelled out, the door swinging open in a matter of seconds, her face holding a confused expression, "Andrew? What are you doing here?" She questioned, tilting her head to the side.

I shrugged, suddenly at a loss of words.

"Are you okay?" She questioned worriedly, "do you want to come in?"

I nodded my head and she touched her hand to my arm, guiding me inside her apartment.

She rubbed my shoulder gently, "here, sit down," she instructed softly, "how about some tea?"

I nodded, "I'm sorry," I apologized, "I didn't mean to barge in like this, I just—" I sighed, "I saw the interview and I just needed to talk to you," I shrugged.

She furrowed her brows as put the kettle on, "about what?"

I sighed, "I miss you too, more than I ever thought possible," I confessed, "I was a dick, I just focused more on my job than on my best friend," I groaned as I rubbed my hands down my face, "after that I realized my mistake but I didn't know how to fix things so I just, I don't know, I just let it go I guess, but it's the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life."

She looked at me with an unreadable expression, "how do I know that you're not saying this just because of that damn interview?"

I reached over and grabbed both of her hands in mine, "you loved tea with ginger and cinnamon, your favorite subject used to be music up to the 8th grade, then it was English up till the 11th grade and then it was history," I smiled, my thumbs brushing over her knuckles, "you always wanted to play the piano but then you got into guitar and loved it more than life itself, you used to like cats but when you found out you were extremely allergic you started to feel afraid of them," I chuckled softly, "you didn't sed to wish to have a big dog, but then you started loving daschunds, like the dog I'm sure is sleeping in your bed right now," I laughed, "you always loved walks on the beach late at night and extremely early in the morning, it's quiet in those moments and you think it's the most peaceful thing ever," I smiled once more, "you love animals but hate insects and you always wanted to have a white ferret just so you could call him Draco Malloy, but you'd also like to have a bunny," I let go of one of her hands and cupped her face gently, "I know you better than I know myself, I've loved you since the very first night and I've never stopped loving you, all these years have been hell, I've been in relationship but my heart has always belonged to you and only you."

She looked at me, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, her mouth hanging open, "I— I don't know what to say," she stammered, "Andrew if this is a prank I'm gonna kick your ass so hard you'll find yourself further away than the damn multiverse," she threatened.

I smiled at her, "I've never been more serious in my life," I assured, "now, for the love of all the gods, can I kiss you please?"

She nodded, "I will personally hit you if you don't."

I laughed and leaned, in pressing my lips to her slightly chapped ones, my hands cupping her face as her arms rested around my neck, her fingers tangling in my hair.

"I love you so fucking much," I mumbled against her mouth, chasing her lips as she tried to pull away, chuckling at my insistence.

"I love you too Andrew," she whispered against my lips.

Fucking finally.


A/N: what do you guys think?

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