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Hi i really like your Andrew Garfield book and I'd like to make a request where Andrew and the reader go on an interview together and the reader is having a minor anxiety attack (because the reader receives a few comments that aren't exactly nice)and the reader is fidgeting and Andrew notices and comforts her by holding her hand through out the whole interview 

Hope you'll like it <3 

Hope you'll like it <3 

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"Hello, I'm Andrew Garfield," Andrew smiled at the camera.

"And I'm y/n y/n/l."

"And we're here to answer your questions."

A sweet girl handed Andrew a jar full of questions, "thank you Elsa," Andrew smiled up at her.

I smiled as well, "thank you," I whispered softly.

Andrew turned towards the camera, "alright, let's get this done," he joked, chucking.

He took the first question out of the jar, "Andrew Garfield, I'm dying to know if he's seen Emma Stone ever since they broke up," Andrew chuckled.

"Yes, of course," Andrew said instantly, he looked thoughtful, "I think I last saw her..." he trailed off.

"Last week," I mumbled softly, "we had lunch with her, Dave and the baby."

Andrew looked at me and tilted his head sideways, "last week? You sure? I thought two weeks ago."

I smiled at him, "probably 10 days ago."

Andrew smiled at me and tilted the jar towards me, "there you go my lady."

I shook my head with a smile painted on my face as I reached in the jar and took out a question, "how many men do y'all think y/n has slept with? Asking for a friend," I chuckled softly, "uhm, I don't really understand why people would be interested in this kind of information," I started, nervously fidgeting with the small, now crumbled up, piece of paper - where the question was written- in my hands, "but I've only slept with one person," I cleared my throat, "which is my current boyfriend, but I won't say his name," I chuckled, "your turn," I turned to look at Andrew and forced a smile on my face.

He looked at me intensely for a moment, before reaching in the jar for another question; as Andrew opened the piece of paper I started pulling at the collar of my hoodie, suddenly feeling a little claustrophobic.

Andrew's voice interrupted my train of thoughts, "if Andrew Garfield is allergic to nuts, then why does he stick with y/n y/l/n?" Andrew's voice got progressively softer as he read the question.

He was about to answer his way, but I casually burst into a fit of laughter and wrapped my hand around his arm.

I squeezed his arm softly, "he's probably a masochist," I snorted, "you know, I ask him the same question about everyday, but I don't get answers," I laughed.

Andrew Garfield one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now