San's pov:

When Seonghwa read that comment out loud I barely stopped myself from cursing. He probably didn't mean to cause trouble but why that specific comment? Especially when he knows that things are rocky between me and woo.

I involuntarily turned to look at Wooyoung only to be surprised by his eyes that were already on me. Well that's a first.

Idk what happened after that but we stayed staring at each other for what seemed like forever, me just dazzled by his beautiful eyes and the close proximity of his face to mine. Yeosang was the one to bring us out of the trance and back to reality. wait I must've looked like a creep, staring at him like that. I'm pretty sure wooyoung only stared back because he thought I was playing for fan service.

Fan service. ugh

My blood boils every time I hear those words. It's just another term for toying with our feelings, yes that's what it is.

Anyways after Yeosang's kick to reality (literally) Wooyoung broke the eye contact I would've loved to keep all day, if I were allowed to. Tmi san, TMI. I remember my heart doing a nervous flutter with intrusive thoughts rushing throughout my brain and clouding my vision. All the possibilities of him disliking me more run through my brain; staring at him like a creep definitely couldn't have helped the situation we were in.

But apparently it did. Because get this. 


calm down San calm down.

Anyways as I was saying. He literally grabbed my hand and started pulling me with him and I may have had a conscious blackout. It had been so long. so fcking long since I felt his warmth; or any affection of his towards me. As much as I'd want to say it was for fan service, ( who am I kidding? of course I don't) I couldn't miss the change in his demeanor, or the genuineness in his sudden action.

We sat right in front of the camera which probably wasn't a good idea considering the shade of red my face was at the time. Especially considering the clingy reputation we have, as woosan. Me getting flustered over hand holding was gonna be a hot topic for gossip no doubt. I sighed internally while trying to devise a plan to bring less attention to my face.

Aha! I glanced sideways at Wooyoung that was determinedly looking at the screen. My mind actually spoke the words 'here goes nothing' before I changed positions to lay my head down on Wooyoung's thighs. Now this definitely wasn't new to us; but the current state of things and emotions made it feel close to being euphoric.

I'm on his lap. On his legs. On his thighs.

I stayed looking point blank ahead and pretend not to notice how his body momentarily stiffens. I was about to casually get up and whisper a sorry when I feel it. Gentle fingers running through my hair. So gentle that I actually have to look through the screen at us to confirm it's really happening.

His fingers running through my hair ever so slightly, fingertips lightly brushing my scalp. The gentleness to his actions make me wanna drown in the feeling; and probably never immerge again. It's almost as if he's afraid I'd crumble, the way his fingers hesitate before each new stroke. 

I try not to make things awkward and stay staring ahead, content with whatever it is happening between us. I realize that I don't exactly care if this is genuine or not. Whatever it is, it's actually happening; it's as real as can be.

My eyes begin to feel heavy even though I internally plead with myself to not let this moment slip. But who am I to choose? Especially when this is the most comfortable I've been since eons. I faintly here Yunho whisper something to my woo, something about fixing his expression but I'm too comfortable to turn my face up to check.

Instead I search the screen in front of us and locate him and I. Even in my drowsiness, it's impossible not to smile at the way we appear on camera. We almost look like-

My thought process is disturbed when I feel Woo's fingers untangle from my hair. I'm about to divert my gaze from the screen to look up when I feel his fingers once again. But this time it's not in my hair. I get a whole cluster of butterflies when I feel his index finger lift my chin, his thumb supporting jaw.

I look up to see his eyes, so bright but full of a new expression I've never seen before. The cluster of butterflies turn into an entire swarm as I watch him lean down, his face getting closer and closer to mine. I tune out the entire world as I watch his face, getting more perfect with each centimetre he brings it close to mine.

When I finally think I can't take it anymore I feel him tighten the grip around my jaw before leaning fully in and placing his lips on my cheekbone. The softest touch I've felt in my whole entire existence. His lips being so soft and light on my skin, just how I imagined.

The gentlest touch of an angel's wing.

And I drown. Further into my emotions. Further into the overwhelming sensations he gives me. Further into him.

Until I remember the camera. I panic and look up at him and at the camera to see if we went unnoticed but of course that's not the case 'cause not even a millisecond later the comment section is blowing up with the word "woosan".

I look at Hongjoong who is laughing at something Mingi said and seemingly oblivious to what just happened. And sigh in relief. If anything this would just increase the views right? I mean, this is what atiny wants to see anyways. I almost let my worry go down the drain until I noticed one word being spammed in capital letters in the comments. Probably by the same person. More than a good twenty times.

Only problem is that it wasn't 'woosan' they were spamming. It was the one word I feared being called the most, in capital bold letters.


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