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Seonghwa's pov:

I glance down at my phone and frown again. I debate on whether or not  I should call him again and settle for sending him another worried text message.

Hello? San is everything alright there?  

I try not to worry at his lack of replies for the messages I've been sending for the past half an hour.

"Seonghwa hyung did you tell them? What did they say? Are they coming?" I look up and meet Jongho's questioning eyes . 

We didn't plan on dining out today..but everyone got super hyped up seeing the new store down the street and so here I am now. I've been trying to reach San and Wooyoung but neither of them are responding to my messages and calls.

"I-yeah.." It's not a lie. I did send them numerous messages asking them if they'd like to join or if they want us to bring food home for them.

I try to shake the worry off and find excuses for their non existent replies.

Maybe they're sleeping.

Or..just enjoying time together

"So they aren't coming?" I hear the slight disappointment In yeosang's voice. Jongho pats his arm.

"Uh yeah. I mean no. They aren't apparently. I think they're sleeping..they aren't replying to my messages" I try not to sound worried and laugh it off.

"Probably fucking each others brains out" I watch as Yunho pointedly kicks Mingi under the table. 

"We don't curse in public" I hear Hongjoong snap at them and I don't even bother adding my usual "actually. We don't curse at all". 

Why isn't San responding?

I take one more look at my phone before sighing and keeping on the table, volume turned up to the max.

San's pov:

I allow him to hug me for as long as he likes and notice his sobbing slow down. He doesn't make any attempt of letting go and I don't either as we stand in silence in the corridor. I feel his tensed body relax against mine and gently run my hand along his back in a slow repetitive motion as he snuggles closer to my neck.

I don't know how long we stand there, arms around each other before I hear a tiny giggle. My heart immediately does a flip at the sound of his laugh.


"Sannie" His voice is still little.

"Yes Wooyo?"

He bursts into another fit of giggles against my chest and I stand still momentarily baffled before trying to make sense of everything.

"Baby why are you-" 

"I need to pee" His voice comes muffled from the crook of my neck.

He needs to..what

"You-you need to go to the bathroom?" I ask him slightly pulling away so I can look at his face. He nods before going back to hugging me.

My heart begins to beat fast but in panic as I realize how clueless I am. How do I-

"Um. Okay can you give me the key wooyo? So we can open your door?" I keep my voice leveled as I feel his head shake against my neck.


"I don't have. Not with wooyo"

I begin to panic all over again. "But..where is your key Wooyo?? You have to know-"

"I need to pee Sannie"

I stare at the wall in front of me as I try to school my features before gently letting go and pushing him to an arms length, so I can meet his eyes.

"I can-okay you can come to my room then..do you remember where my room is Wooyo?"  I watch as he nods his head happily and points downstairs. I exhale in relief.

So he does remember stuff

"Okay then. Cmon let's go" I flinch at my awkward tone and remind myself why we're going to my bathroom.

He's a kid San. You're looking after a kid right now.

But that still doesn't help me get rid of the nervous critters in my stomach. I take a big breath before grabbing his hand and guiding him down the stairs and to my room. There's a bounce to his step and I faintly hear a tune being hummed in his childlike voice.

I open the door and let him walk in first, not bothering to close it again. I walk straight to my bathroom and stop in front of the door and turn to look at Wooyoung who is eying me expectantly.

I clear my throat awkwardly. 

"Here's the washroom Wooyo.."

"but you has to open the dwoor fow me" I stare at the pout on his face and remember things I shouldn't be remembering right now.

Not now San. not now

I hesitantly open the door and back away waiting for him to go in.

And stare back at his expectant eyes. The silence is too loud to bear so I try speaking again.

"Wooyo you can go now.."

"But you have to come wiwth me and howl my hand" I try not to get light headed as I try to process the words he casually drops.

I have to-come inside with him--and hold his hand while he-he--

"I CAN'T " I blurt out in panic and realize my mistake seconds before a disaster. 

"I mean I CAN'T come inside without my bathroom slippers. the ones that have rabbits attached to the straps and that squeak every time an- I--Hey..Hey I AM coming with you baby please don't cry" I hear myself ramble nonsense as I try to fix the change of mood clearly visible on his face. 

The way his eyes easily filled with tears at my rejection worries me but I keep that for later.

"Owkay" I sigh in relief as he wipes two fat tears off his face and turns to look at me.

Seonghwa's pov:

I can't bear this anymore.

I push my plate away and stand up. Everyone stops what they're doing to stare at me. 

"I'm gonna..take Wooyoung's and San's food to them now. I know it's a bit early but it's best if Wooyoung eats early and sleeps early" I inform the table before hurriedly pushing my chair back.

"..We're almost done though..if they can wait for just another 15 minutes-" I cut yunho off as I grab my coat from the hanger and move towards the door.

"Nah it's fine. You all take your time and have fun. I'll make sure they eat on time.." "--I'm tired too" I add before receiving a hesitant nod from Hongjoong and running out of the store.

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