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Wooyoung's pov:

We finally step in and I try not to melt at San's gesture. I allow the smile that creeps up my face to stay as I realize the voices aren't even close to disturbing me today.

There's a table lain with food and different sorts of drinks with a small hand written note reading 'Welcome back Wooyoung! ( and San)'. I recognize the letters as Seonghwa's. Speaking of, it hasn't escaped me that there's some sort of silent exchange going on between him and San; most definitely regarding me. I don't blame them though. After all, they are the ones that found me that day.

 I turn my attention to the others sitting at the table. Yeosang keeps greeting me with an overly bright smile every time our eyes meet across the table. I try not to sigh for the millionth time.

I know  everyone's worried. I know  everyone is having a hard time getting over shit too. It's too easy to spot when they're genuinely not as optimistic as they try to show they are. I notice Jongho's hand on Yeosang's tiny one and smile.

We end up having dinner together, all 8 of us after a long time. I don't talk much, I can't bring myself too. San let go of me as soon as we sat at the table but I didn't mind. I know he's with me even when I can't physically feel him.

When the time finally comes for us to disperse to our individual rooms Seonghwa looks as if his pet puppy just died. He looks at us and sighs before rushing over and hugging me again.

"I'm so glad you're back Wooyoung. So glad" and suddenly this becomes an opening for everyone to tell me how much they missed me, and how happy they are that I'm back. All the attention makes me look for San who's already looking at me with warm eyes. 

One look at him and he walks over. I gratefully go back to cowering behind him.

"I never thought I'd find myself saying this-" Yeosang fake gags in the middle of his sentence and I roll my eyes.

"but I apparently missed you. Apparently" he fake punches me in the stomach with a smile which I return.

"ughem" I turn my attention from Yeosang and Jongho's retreating backs and look up at Mingi.

"I have come here to announce how much I missed you Wooyoung, dear brother, dear friend. From the moment you were gone till the moment you were back at our doorstep, my heart achingly-"

"..Mingi-" I awkwardly try to stop his poetic confession but to no avail. I look at Yunho for help but he just grins and goes back to staring at Mingi with adoring puppy eyes.

"-throbbed for you; the light to my life ( other than yuyu) was taken away from me oh so cruelly. The days I spent in my room staring at the ceiling, whispering to God and praying for your return-"

Mingi continues speaking and I feel my body squirm with no idea on how to react. I poke san to get his attention and he turns his gaze on me with a familiar twinkle in his eye.

"You were missed so severely that I could do nothing but lie in bed all day, unable to muster the courage to carry out the task of anything other than mourning your absence--"

I squirm in my own body wishing Mingi's heartfelt confession would stop. Not that I hate it. It is very creative.

 But suddenly I notice something I wish I didn't. Mingi's wearing the khaki sorts I bought Yunho for his birthday while Yunho's wearing Mingi's famous oversized sinbad shorts.

"Wait why are you two wearing each others pants?" I ask abruptly before I can stop myself. That breaks Mingi out of his trance and both he and Yunho look down and smirk at each other.

"-actually no. Please carry on with what you were-"

"It's 'cause we were down each others-" 

"Mingi!! Manners!" Yet another one of Mingi's unwanted confessions is cut off by Yunho and I exhale in relief. I see the corners of San's mouth twitch.

"...I thought you just said you were lying in bed paralyzed and unable to do anything because I was gone" I try not to die inside as I watch their sappy eye contact. 

Hopefully I won't be like that when I'm in love. When I'm finally with Sa- 

I mentally stop myself and blush red behind him, glad he doesn't have access to my thoughts.

"That was for poetic purposes" Mingi frowns thinking.  "We didn't really do anything other than fu-"  


We all look back at Hongjoong in the corner.

"-an girling. We didn't do anything other than fan girling. About you Wooyoung."Mingi finishes his sentence after a pointed nudge from Yunho.

 "AND San" he quickly adds after receiving another look from his boyfriend.

Seonghwa clears his throat and announces the time and how it's very late and how Hongjoong should come with him to have a look at the spare rooms. We all let out the breath we'd been holding as soon as they leave.

"Mingi!" Yunho playfully punches him in the stomach.

"What I didn't mean to! It just slipped out!!" I look away from yungi and at San. He has a warm smile on his face as he watches our friends playfully bicker.  I look back at Yunho who is now trying to get Mingi in a chokehold but failing due to Mingi's hight.

I allow myself to smile too. Seeing them happy together makes me feel something warm inside. 

They started off as best friends too.

My heart lurches at the thought and I feel my heart beat increase in pace as I glance at San sideways.

Yunho finally gives up and pretends to sulk while Mingi wraps his arms around him from behind and gives his neck a quick kiss. I avert my eyes and look at the door that looks really inviting right now.

Not that I haven't seen them kiss before. But the realization that dawned on me is doing unexplainable things to my heart and the fact that the subject of all those feelings is casually standing next to me with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen is not helping.

Later that night I lie in bed and stare at the ceiling as unfiltered thoughts of things I wouldn't have been able to think with the presence of the voices rush through my head.

The way he gently let go of my hand at the base of the stairs to my floor, the way he said goodnight to me in his low, tired voice, the way I wanted him to hug me, the way I wanted to hug him, the way I let my hesitation win as I watched him leave for his room as I did the same; with an ache in my chest for God knows what reason.

My best friend.

I feel my eyes get heavy after a painfully long montage of things I would never admit to have been thinking invades my brain. I gladly welcome the sleep that settles heavy on my eyelids as I let one final thought pass through my exhausted mind.

They started off as friends. Best friends


Kinda like this chapter. lol

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