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Wooyoung's pov:

"I told you it's not necessary" I glare at Yunho who pointedly ignores me and leaves to get a token at the counter.

I know I probably look like a menace with the way I'm glaring at everyone and everything around me but I can't bother to care. I look around and locate the exit sign. I make sure that Mingi is completely immersed in his video game before getting up and trying to slink away.

"What-" I feel a strong hand pull on mine before I'm yanked back on to the chair. " I see it all.." Mingi whispers loudly in a voice I presume he thinks is mysterious and goes back to his phone.

I glare some more and groan. I don't want to be here. This is completely pointless.

"Number 7. We're in at 7" Yunho returns with a token and sits on the other side available next to me.

Great. A yungi sandwich

I deliberately avoid looking at him even though I feel his eyes bore through me. He's gonna give me the talk. I know it.


There it is. I sigh and turn to face him.

"Look. I know you're trying to help and I appreciate the effort. But when I tell you this is gonna be pointless I mean it. You're just wasting your money. I don't need to be here" I try not to flinch while eying the red cross hung above a cobweb bound wall clock.

Not now wooyoung.

"Okay..but you never know. This is the second time you've completely passed out for no reason and I strongly believe Hwa would've done the same."

I nod halfheartedly as I watch patient number 2 wobble out of the doctors' room. An old woman with a walking stick.

3, a young man with huge swelled nose.

4, a family of three. The kid's crying

5, A middle aged woman with deep worry lines etched on her face and a huge bandage on her left leg.

This is not where I need help.

I wait for my turn already knowing how pointless this is gonna be.

Seonghwa's pov:

I don't need to look at san to know he's gotten worked up. Instead I pick up the remote and change the channel.

Wrestling. I stare at the sweaty bodies through the screen and will myself to stay quiet. The last thing San needs is a mama hwa- rant moment.

" Seonghwa, hyung" I glance sideways in acknowledgement and quickly look back at the screen. What I revealed to San was embarrassing. Pathetic.

I'm pathetic

"Maybe he's just.. maybe he just needs time to adjust. Maybe" I look at San. He doesn't look so sure. "Doesn't matter. I don't care" I mutter before switching the channel again.

More wrestlers.


"I think what we should worry about is you and wooyoung's situation. As easy as it is to toss this aside as one of his tantrums..this one is extreme" I tell him averting my gaze from the TV. He looks down for a few seconds before meeting my eyes again.

"I-I-there were times. When things were..when things were weird" San says slowly, his expression turning from hurt to confusion.


"Yeah. Like. He's so unpredictable now. Even if what he was telling me was the..truth-" I politely look away as he struggles to get the words out. The muscle men on the TV continue throwing each other about.

"-it's almost impossible with how--genuine he seemed. I mean. I can't-bring myself to believe all the hurtful things he's said to me. Not even if I try" I watch him play with the hem of his sleeve while trying to make sense of the situation.

"Hmm" I reply, still thinking. It's true. Even I can't believe Wooyoung's capable of causing a person this much hurt. And the person being San makes it even more unrealistic. But then Hongjoong. I didn't believe him possible of how he acted either.

I angrily begin switching through channels as San continues talking.

"And there was this..this instance where he suddenly seemed really far away. There, but not there. I don't understand anymore" I hear his frustrated groan and pat his hand with my free one.

 "Hongjoong on the other hand"

I laugh out loud and continue flicking through the channels almost hoping it would lessen the pain.

More. muscly. men.

" I seriously don't-" "WHY IS THERE NOTHING OTHER THAN WRESTLING GOING ON RIGHT NOW??" I quickly shut my mouth seeing San's face of shock. I don't blame him. I'm definitely unhinged today.

"arhm. sorry I. Muscly men. sweaty and throwing each other. on every single channel"

I marvel at how ridiculous I sound and find San with a similar look of amusement on his face. We stare at each other for about a second before bursting out laughing.

Everything in the world and we're laughing about sweaty, muscly men that keep obnoxiously appearing on my television. Perhaps we've both lost it. I double over hearing a loud snort that San unsuccessfully tries to cover.

Hours later, even when he had gone back to his room, I can't keep the giggles from coming as I selectively remember the good parts of my day. I sigh as I get into bed, not looking at the empty bed across from mine. I set my alarm for tomorrows practice and shut my eyes under the covers.

Sweet dreams Joongie

~ Three hours later~



I get out of bed and fumble around for my phone while trying not to fall due to lack of balance.

"Sa-aaaaaaaah-n?" I fail at keeping my yawn from ruining San's name.

"Hyung" his urgent tone immediately wakes me up.

"San? Yes what's wrong?"

"Hyung I was thinking"  He was thinking...okay "And?"

"I was thinking all night" I try not to let out an impatient sigh. "Okay and what did you-?"

"He" I hold my breath sensing this was something connected to the urgency in his voice.

"He said he" I hear his breathing get fast and hear him pace around his room. "I'm not sure I get-" He cuts me off with a sentence that makes me sit right where I am, on the cold tile floor of my balcony.

"He. Wooyoung referred to himself in the third person"


Ehee. Today's chapter ;)

I am so exhausted with life lately and feel like quitting sometimes. But then I remember I can't. Not until Ateez CB at least.

Also I get super demotivated with everything? Forget about my degree, even this. Writing this.

Never mind hope everyone's doing okay! And if anyone wants to vent I'm always here or on instagram :) ( @leeshaaa.a )

I love everyone of you readers/voters!<3

And definitely love it if you could comment as well so I know you're enjoying the story/or if you aren't and want me to change sm ❤️

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