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Yeosang's pov:

We've been lying in bed doing nothing for hours. There really is nothing to do when you're cramped up in a room with someone you generally don't spend much time with.

I glance at Hongjoong's screen. His eyes don't seem to focus on whatever it is that he rapidly scrolls through. It's 6:38 pm. I clear my throat before speaking.

"It's 6:38 pm"

He barely looks at me before humming and returning back to his phone. A faint spark of annoyance chimes through me.

What am I? Just a fuck buddy?

I drum my fingers along the mattress before trying to get his attention again.

"Can I get a cuddle? Please"

This time he turns to look at me, his eyes briefly meeting mine before he looks away and nods.


I shift in bed and cuddle up to him and sigh as he wraps an arm around me. His eyes are still on the phone though.

"What are you looking at?"


"What sort of fashion?"

He eyes me before sighing.

"I dunno. Anything that's on my for you page"

The room falls silent as he goes back to scrolling and I try to think of something to say.

"I like the skirt you wore yesterday"

He sighs again (very much exaggeratedly) before putting his phone down and slightly pushing me to an arms distance and trying to read my expression.

"What is it, Yeo?"

I swallow as I feel a lump form in the back of my throat. I answer him honestly.

"I-I don't know"

He stares at me for a bit before pulling me back, his fingers move to my hair and I close my eyes as he hums a tune that I'm unfamiliar with. The question comes out faster than I can process.

"Wonder what they're doing"

I open my eyes in panic to meet his frown. 

It hadn't been my intention to pry. But I definitely felt something in my stomach twist when I heard the noise coming from our  room. I didn't need to hear him moan Hwa's name to know what was happening.

Petty much?

I completely forgot about the coffee mug I went to get; Hongjoong's shaking arms were ready to comfort me. Or rather, share the stabbing feelings of hurt and betrayal with me.

He glares down at me before letting go of me. I pull back and watch as he buries his face in his hands. His voice comes out in a muffled whisper.

"What have we done"

I feel the tears prick my eyes as I scoot back closer to him. He wraps a deft arm around my waist as he violently wipes away the tears that escape down his face. I peer at him as he struggles to get a grip of himself, before swallowing and letting out a half hearted laugh. I feel his arm travel below my waist as he meets my eyes and speaks in a low voice.

"It's still 6: 49"

My eyes travel towards his lips as he pulls me closer to him, our breath mingling as his fingers slip under my shorts; distraction.

I nod at him as he whispers against my lips.

"It's 6:50. We have an hour and half till dinner"


What have you done? :/

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