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(A/N: Lmao 78? This story is so slow Idek why people read it atp💀 anyways if you still are......PLEASECOMMENTANDVOTEILOVEYOUOKAYBYE)

San's pov:

I tap my fingers against the table as I try to grasp anything  I've been reading for the past half an hour. Wooyoung said he'll come over at 4. 

It's 4:10 right now.

I grab my phone and debate on whether I should call him or not. 

Maybe not. I don't wanna seem like a nuisance.

Another good ten minutes pass before I hear a timid knock on my door. I immediately spring to my feet and rush to the door.  He scratches his head before giving me an awkward smile.

"I'm sorry I accidentally fell asleep" I laugh and nod before letting him in.

"What were you doing..?" He peers down at the magazine I was reading before quickly eying me.

"Emma Watson? Hmph"

"I was reading the article next to it" I try to hold back a laugh at the sight of his narrowed eyes.

"Nevermind. I always knew you had a thing for her" I shake my head in amusement before closing the door and pointing towards the couch.

"Do you wanna sit? Or you can lie down on my bed" I meet his eyes before going red at the realization of what I said. 

"As in. Just lie down. and get comfortable. I'm not trying to-uh start anything um-"

"Who said I don't want you to?" I close my mouth before frowning at the playful smirk on his face.

"Don't try me. I'm serious" He rolls his eyes before taking a seat on my couch.

I grab two sodas from the fridge before joining him.


Wooyoung groans and shakes his head.

"See? You've already made this awkward" I pout at him before cracking a soda open.

"No I didn't. All I said was 'so'. " I hand him the opened can and he smiles at me before taking it.

"Exactly. One word in and I already regret agreeing to this" I raise an eyebrow at him and he quickly corrects what he said.

"Not that I don't want to be open with you. But it's just gonna be weird. I've never talked about shit with anyone before" I reach out and place my hand over his hand and earn a little smile.

I try to speak but he beats me to it.

"But then you had to ruin everything by your soooooooo"

I immediately remove my hand from his.

"Stop picking on my so"

"And if I don't?" He turns to face me with soda glistening on his lips and I suddenly forget why we're here in the first place. 

Nice lips.

Nice shiny lips

"Earth to San?" I blink as he laughs, clearly enjoying the effect he has on me. I clear my throat and turn to face the tv in front of us.

"So. anyways as I was trying to say before you very rudely decided to interrupt me-"

"Stop starting your sentences with so!! Its getting on my nerves!" I turn back to face him and glare.

"You're  getting on my nerves" 

He stares at me for a bit before nodding and taking another sip of his soda.

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