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Wooyoung's pov:

I watch as Sannie stares at me and frown. Did he not hear me properly? I frown and repeat what I said.

"I SAID, Wooyo missed youw" I watch as he blinks for a few minutes before taking a deep breath.

"He-Hi there! I missed you too!!" Sannie says with a big smile. "Hmm" I pout looking away from him and cross my arms. Why doesn't he understand? 

"..Woo-young..?" He says and I look at him annoyed. 

"No" I state firmly looking up at him from where I am sitting.



Sannie swipes his hand at a fly that keeps buzzing by his ear. I giggle at the image of it getting stuck inside.

What would it tell it's family one day when it escapes?

 'yes dear I got stuck in a big ear once upon a time. I only hardly made it out in time' I giggle some more as I try to imagine what the fly's girl fly must look like.

"Wooyoung look. Please..try to..please um-"

""HOw many times do I have to tell youuuuu??" I scold the tall boy in front of me and watch as his eyes widen as I speak.

"It's Wooyo not Woowyoung"

San's pov:

"It's Wooyo, not Wooyoung"

San don't panic. don't panic. I'm not panicking. Not. At all

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I kinda pray for all this to be another one of my ridiculous nightmares before opening them to his adorable large eyes again.

San don't panic. Don't panic San.

"Okay..I'm sorry wooyo.." I feel my sweater suffocate me and yank the zip down for some fresh air.

Don't panic.

I'm not panicking.


I look down at Wooyoung that is still staring at me, his artwork in his uncasted hand. 

What the fuck do I do???

My throat feels dry as I swallow empty and try to figure out what to do. 

So this..Wooyo..is a child? Of how much-

"Wooyo.." I try to look unfazed as I cautiously pronounce his name. Wooyoung's pout quickly changes into a grin as he nods enthusiastically.

Okay San. You've got this

"Wooyo how old are you?" I hold my breath waiting for his answer and get completely thrown off by his bubbly fit of giggles.

"I'm not owld  silly" I flinch at the childlike tone of his voice. It's cute, impossibly cute but..

"You are old"

 More giggles.

"I-yeah. I'm old. Wooyo what is your age?" I ask feeling increasingly stupid. What if this is a joke? What if it's one of his pranks? 

"age? 123456789101-" He continues his train of numbers and I stare at him in disbelief.

Definitely a prank.

I try to conjure every possibility of this being a prank as I stare blankly at the boy in front of me. I snap out of my thoughts to find him tugging at my jeans, his fists balled and his expression even more unbelievable. Almost like he's-

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